Successfully challenged a utility collection and it was deleted from Experien and Equifax last year. It is now back on Experien. Same collection, account number, everything. I can't believe THAT is legal under FCRA. What would be the point if after failing to validate within the required 30 days they can come back later and reinsert anyway? Once something is deleted isn't that it? Over? Done for good? I have, of course, disputed it again but I want to know what recourse I have against original collection agency (which, btw, last year admitted this was unvalidated because original utility didn't have the records for this $37 bill) Suggestions?
Do you have a copy where it was deleted? NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. -> Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
Yes ... the follow up to my dispute last year showing "the account was deleted" after the listing and collection account #. They are claiming, verbally, that this was a different account altogether.
Re: Re: Coll reappeared after deletion! Experian. I have since spoke to the a supervisory representative of the collection agent and have verbal confirmation that cc: of letters removing this debt from the report will be forthcoming. Knock wood! So far the *verbal* response has been positive and they (CA) *claim* they will be quick to correct the error(s). Pray for me!
Re: Re: Coll reappeared after deletion! bump NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. ************************************************************
Re: Re: Coll reappeared after deletion! Got it! In last week's mail - cc: letters from two unrelated collection agents acknowledging their respective errors and instituting removal of said errors with all three credit reporting bureaus. Now, just waiting by the computer for my online notification of the corrections! (knock wood!) This place rocks! Thanks creditnet!
did Experien send you the required 5 day notice of reinsertion if not Experien has to remove it and take extra steps to make sure it never appears again.
There was no notification. Experian claims that since the collection agent changed the account number (they removed the first two numbers for some reason but otherwise it remains unchanged. (ie. #271234567 is now listed as #1234567) that this means it was a "different" account. However, within the collection agent files it is clearly the identical, same account, creditor, & balance.
Experian claims that since the collection agent changed the account number (they removed the first two numbers for some reason but otherwise it remains unchanged. (ie. #271234567 is now listed as #1234567) that this means it was a "different" account. However, within the collection agent files it is clearly the identical, same account, creditor, & balance. kseab ===============Make them validate it
Haven't been on CN in a while, but thought this thread was relevant to my question. A CA agreed to delete my two paid for collection (a speeding ticket, BTW) last summer. It orignally appeared on my TU report. Well, they deleted it after a nutcase letter and a BBB investigation I sent them. However, this year, last month, they re-inserted the same two CA items back onto my Experian report! I disputed it, sent a another nutcase to their offices (in my city), and it was ignored. The dispute also came back validated. What should I do next! I have an even sterner nutcase typed up ready to go for the CA, but I can't get Experian for re-insertion because it's the first time they've reported it. Is there anything in the FDCPA I can get them on? Or should I get the BBB on them again? Thanks.
Did you get your agreement with the CA in writing? Did they acknowledge their agreement in your dispute via BBB? If so, the form of "nutcase" you have with them is ITS for "breach of contract". (I am not an attorney.)
I guess you would say it was being reported accurately. This was before I started credit repiar, unfortunately. But why did they wait a full two years before placing it on my report (the first time)? After I had paid? When I got the BBB involved in the dispute, they sent a letter back to me saying they had a right to report, etc, etc, but they were going remove it from TU. Now, it suddenly reappears after a year? Now on Experian? Also, it has never appeared on EQ.
I would get the BBB involved again, and state that in the resolution of the dispute, they agreed to delete, now after two years, they have decided to began reporting this account to another CRA. Demand that they delete the account from EX, in accordance with their resolution of your original complaint, and include a copy of the agreement to delete the account from TransUnion, and a print out of the trade line from EX (Especially if you have it showing Reported Since: xx/2004) --- OFF-THE-RECORD We know why they now just appeared on your credit file with EX, and I'll let you know why... EX & TU, in getting ready for FACTA have started requiring that all data furnishers report more regularly, well, in some cases for some reason when the CA first tried to report the account, the CRA may have suppressed the information because it didn't sync up with your file correctly. Now, when they had to re-flag all of their old accounts to begin reporting again, viola, new account on a new CRA. This is for you to know why, not for them to know that you know, why...