Collecting from the deceased

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    If someone dies owing a lot of unsecured debt and is the sole debtor and has no real assets even if that person is married how can ca collect money owed.What about someone who owes a lot of unsecured debt is the sole debtor and that person is sent to jail for years what can the ca do to collect.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    State laws may vary. It may be affected by whether you are in a community property state. Or whether the debt was associated with a business or investment that was the independent property of one spouse, purchased with assets owned before the marriage, or obtained by inheritance. Whether the debt was incurred to support both spouses, or was medical care for one spouse, may also matter.

    The CA will, of course, want to go after whoever they think they can collect from.

    (I am not an attorney. You may want to consult one in your state.)

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