Collection Account Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wkyguy2001, Oct 9, 2001.

  1. wkyguy2001

    wkyguy2001 New Member

    I have one collection record on TU- an old hospital bill ($311) turned over to CBS Collection, placed 11/96. I would like to pay this only if would be removed from my report. I am not sure when the 7 years are up.

    Is it better to talk with the collection company or the hospital? If they accept I know I will need to get it in writing, what is the procedure or follow up once you receive a letter? If I get a letter from the hospital, will the collection company or TU honor this letter?

    Thank you
  2. tom65432

    tom65432 Well-Known Member

    Who put the bad mark on your credit report, the hospital or the collection agency? I am dealing with a similar problem now and am finding that the people who put the bad mark there are the ones who have to take it off. In my case, the creditor wrote a letter to the CRA's saying they had no record of me ever doing business with them and the bad mark should be removed. The CRA's went to the CA because the CA put the bad mark on my record. The CA verified it to both CRA's so it remains. I had to send a validation to the CA (waiting for results).

    One thing I have learned from all this is to go to the right person in the beginning.
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    If the creditor says no account, but the ca continues to verify, that is a violation of the FDCPA and FCRA. I would suggest you file a complaint with your state banking department, or whoever oversees the ca's in your state. And, if that doesn't work and they still won't delete, I would suggest suing them. I have a similar situation with Gulf State. The account was sold and through validation the new owner ceased collection. But Gulf State who no longer has the account continues to verify. I have filed a complaint with the state banking dep't. I also sent a second demand to gulf state, because they never answered my validation. Today lawsuit number 2 in my credit cleanup gets filed. I no longer am taking any crap from these jerks.
  4. tom65432

    tom65432 Well-Known Member

    I live in one state, the CA is in another, and the creditor is in a third state. Which banking commissioner do I go to?
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Contact the banking dep't. in the state you live in.

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