Collection Agency reported to my report for a check my son bounced

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by runtpacket, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. runtpacket

    runtpacket New Member

    I found this on my TU report, and disputed it with them. I also contacted the collection agency (by phone I know stupid) and explained the situation. I provided them with my Drivers License info to prove I'm a different person at the same address than the check writer. The CA told me to dispute with Transunion and that they had added a note to their account "that this was reported on the wrong persons Credit report" and that when the cra validated it would be removed. Sadly I believed them and the cra has ended their dispute with a status of "updatedâ? i.e. validated.

    So how do I proceed? Letter to the collection agency demanding they remove? Wait 30 days and dispute with CRA. If this comes back as validated take them and the CRA to small claims?
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    First, the CA should have deleted the entry on your credit report, they are the ones who incorrectly reported.

    Disputing with Transunion is not a bad thing, in fact you have covered yourself under the laws regarding credit reporting.

    I suggest doing both disputes again; write the CA inquiring why the "validated" the entry, and dispute again with Transunion stating the facts of your situation.

    The CA had violated two laws of credit reporting so far (possibly more). Keep detailed records and notes of all conversations made to date, and all document records.
  3. runtpacket

    runtpacket New Member

    Just sent a letter (registered to both the CA and CRA). My intent is that 30 days from now if this is still being reported I will file a small claims case against the CA and CRA. I'm interested in what specific violations that have occurred and any others for reference in court.


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