In April 2002 my credit union refused to remove a $4400.00 single interest insurance policy off my account. I paid on time every single month since I took out the loan 08/2000. This was all caused by State Farm Insurance making a mistake on my auto insurance. My credit union refused to credit my account the $4400.00 and I told them to come and get the Jeep. My balance was higher than the original loan amount. The CU never attempted to collect this debt. All of the sudden in April 2005 a collection representative from TrueLogic Financial called me demanding payment in full. I explained to him that the balance on the account is $5600.00 and $4400.00 of that was a auto insurance dispute. I offered to pay the $1200.00 balance for settlement. Naturally he said NO! The CA knows my wireless telephone number (no idea how they got it) and my current home address. I have never received anything from them thru the mail. They do call me everyday and I never answer the phone, they have never left me a message. I pulled a copy of my credit report this morning and the CA is reporting the collection account as a brand new account opened 04/2005. The CU is also reporting a charge-off 04/2002. Since both the CA and CU are reporting the same account it looks like I owe $11,300. I reside in Texas so the SOL is out 04/2006. Is it legal for both the CA and CU to report the same account with all the bureaus? The CA just may have opened a can of old worms as they just bought me another three years SOL with the Texas State Board of Insurance. I have a good mind to file a claim against the CU, CA and State Farrm. I was on direct pay with State Farm and they state that my payment was returned twice NSF from the CU. The CU told me no such draft ever came thru. My checking balance was over $8,000. I took out a new insurance policy and thought all was solved. The CU added the single interest insurance and refused to refund. Sorry for this post to be so long. I am desparate for some advise on how to handle this. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.