collection agency

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Pete, Mar 13, 2002.

  1. Pete

    Pete Active Member

    What is my response if they demand payment in writing? Do I demand they validate or cease and desist communication? Someone please suggest the steps, in order, to take. I have seen and read the sample letters (what a great reference!), but I am not sure what to do first, second, and so on. Thanks!
  2. Pete

    Pete Active Member

    Just received letter from Academy Collection Services Inc. from Philadelphia. We had an account charge off last year with Universal Card. We owe 2575. They said that UC is willing to accept 1802 as settlement. They also stated that unless I notify them within 30 days they will assume the debt is valid. They then state that if I ask them to "validate they will obtain verification of this debt or a copy of the judgement and mail a copy of a judgement or verification to me."
    What should I do next?
    It does not appear that ACS is licensed to engage in collection activity in my state of Maine.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Send Val.Letter.

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