Does anybody now anything about Apex Asset Management? managers, ceo's?, it's a collection agency out of Pa.
BBB shows this: Apex Asset Management, LLC 1891 Santa Barbara Drive Suite 204 Lancaster, PA 17604 Lancaster County General Information Original Business Start Date unknown BBB File Opened August 09, 1999 Principal Contact Mr. John Kline (President) Complaint Contact Mr. John Kline (President) Other Contacts Mr. John S. Kline (President) BBB Member This company is not a member Type of Business Collection Agencies The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources. Customer Experience Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s). Customer Complaint Data Number of complaints processed by the BBB over the last 36 months: 8 Number of complaints processed by the BBB in the last 12 months: 2 Complaints Concerned: Service Issues (3 complaints) 3 Resolved Credit or Billing Disputes (5 complaints) 3 Resolved 2 Company did not respond The company's size, volume of business and number of transactions may have a bearing on the number of complaints received by the BBB. The complaints filed against a company may not be as important as the type of complaints, and how the company has handled them. The BBB generally does not pass judgement on the validity of complaints filed. Additional Information This Business Operates under the Names Apex Asset Management, LLC Addresses 1891 Santa Barbara Drive, Suite 204, Lancaster, PA 17604, Lancaster County Phones (717) 519-1770 (717) 519-1780