Collection Agency

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jtc79, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. jtc79

    jtc79 Well-Known Member

    Has anybody had any issues with an ca named Apex Asset Management out of PA?
  2. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    I don't have any issues with them, but after lookin at their files at the BBB: (
    Hmm, same addy, but they are a management consultants?
    Wow, now they are a financial services company? where they are now collection agents......haha.

    Customer Experience
    Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s).

    Oh, did I mention that they aren't even members? HAHA

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