Has anyone had any experience with ACT Collection Services (Account Control Technologies)? They are calling me and telling me things I must do immediately regarding my student loans or they will garnish. I know that the Gov't has the right to garnish and I plan to get this under control. She has been so sweet to me (almost too sweet) so I just want to know if they are one of the truthful ones (I'm not sure there are any truthful CAs).
"Truthful" CAs?? Maybe on Mars, Venus, or on the moon. But jlynn is right student loans can be garnished without going to court first, and the govt. can/will keep any of your future tax refunds in the future.
I know that there are no truthful CA's. A few years ago, a CA convinced me to consolidate this old defaulted loan because it was supposedly the only way. When the paperwork came, they were asking for my husband's info and he refused to give it because he said it is my loan. I tried to work it out further with them, but they would not budge unless they had his info as well. That loan went into default as well with all the fees and penalties of the first loan factored in. What a mess!!!! I have been trying today to circumvent the CA and try to negotiate a settlement for my old loan, but everyone says "go to the lender". The Ombudsman won't help unless you go to the original lender first. The CA holds the loan. Although I thought the Dept of Ed is the lender. I guess they own it and ME now. I tried the Ombudsman, but they won't I guess I have to start the process for rehabilitation and then take it from there. What do you all think? I'm not sure I have much of a choice to stop the garnishment. I am sooooo tired of living in fear!!!!!! I feel like a slave.
jlynn, She told me that if I do not work this out with her by 5 pm CST tonight that Tuesday they will start the garnishment.
I just spoke with CA. Ombudsman would not talk to me until I contacted the servicer (CA). CA gave me a monthly amt that is over and above what I am able to pay. CA put me on hold a few times, each coming time coming back with a lower but still unreasonable amount based on my salary and expenses. CA said that the final monthly figure she quoted me is the absolute lowest her finance department would allow. CA gave me a payoff figure that is rediculous. I will be paying penalties and interest on top of penalties and interest. I swear, this is almost as bad as loan sharks. I will now contact the ombudsman tomorrow morning now that I have tried to work with the servicer. She told me that the dept of ed will not discuss this with me because "2 entities cannot collect on the same debt". Is she full of you know what?