Collection for <$25

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BxrB, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. BxrB

    BxrB Member

    Hello all.

    Today, I received a letter from a collection agency trying to collect $24.38. This is the first I have heard about this amount but I do believe that I owe the amount. I tried contacting the original creditor (the account is actually a past due web hosting bill) to explain the situation. After speaking to the rep, I was informed that the invoice was sent at the same time we were doing an interstate move. I tried asking them to remove the account from collections so that I can pay the orig creditor directly, they said that they can't. Asked to speak to a supervisor and got the same line. I was told that I had to deal directly with the CA.

    I'm willing to pay the full amount but I'm concerned about the collection account showing up on my credit report.

    Any suggestions on what I should do?

    Sorry that this is so long.

    I appreciate your help.
  2. BxrB

    BxrB Member

  3. chipper

    chipper Well-Known Member

    A couple things...

    Will the collection agency take your payment, or are they collecting on behalf of the OC?

    You have your 30 day notice, it seems, so I would send the validation letter, which should stop this from going on your report at the moment.

    I know it's a principal thing, but for less than $25 bucks, try to act quickly and make arrangements to pay before this becomes a real nightmare.
  4. energyboy

    energyboy Member

    Sounds familiar. I had one for $48. I KNOW that I owed the money. Forgot an old bill because I was busy with a move. It took me 6 months to pay the bill. I got the original creditor to removed the listing because I paid it in full. but it was a paid

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