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Collection Manager Here

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by 1collector, Jul 26, 2002.

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  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    "Fair Debt Credit Practices Act " LOLOL - OMG I can't stand it.

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Excellent point Ambitious,

    Don't worry we will get back to business but for now ... can't we have a little fun?

  3. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    it is pretty hilarious.
  4. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Why the open line of communication now? If you have been lurking here for awhile, why are you so interested in communicating with us now? What has happened?
  5. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    That's a really interesting question...why now?

    Is it because of all the law suits?

    Your unknowledgeable staff?

    Your incompetence?

    Why now?
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok granted when I first read this post I immediately jump to the defensive. Yes, there is a good chance this person is a phony, however there is also a chance this person is for real.

    To set the record straight I have received letters from CA's stating they are bound by the FDCRA. Typo? Maybe.

    I am certainly not defending the practices of ANY CA, but this person MAY be willing to help us, if only we were a little more friendly.

    We will never know if he/she is real or not, but why not give the benefit of the doubt and see what this person has to offer us.

    Innocent until proven guilty.
  7. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    I'll post it again....

    Fearing Caesar's ambition, Cassius forms a conspiracy among Roman republicans. He convinces the reluctant Brutus,Caesar's trusted friend to join them. Brutus,
    troubled and sleepless, reveals his dark secret to his wife, Portia. Caesar's wife, Calpurnia, fears for his life, but her concerns
    are rebuffed. Then, as planned, Caesar is slain in the Senate on March 15, â??the ides of March.â?

    Do you think Steve Jobs is welcomed at Microsoft? I think it's a bad idea to assume we can trust the side we're fighting to bring within compliance...bad
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I never said TRUST this person, but instead of assuming they are a fake, why not ask questions which would determine whether or not they were a fake?

    Granted we get a lot of trolls, but what about the newbies that haven't posted yet, that have read the past few days posts and WANTED to ask a question, but won't in fear they may be instantly labled?

    EVERYONE deserves a fair chance, ask questions THEN attack, don't attack then ask questions is all I am saying.

    If it wasn't for Pulse and her inconsistencies, we wouldn't have had such a great debate in the other threads.

    Just don't put your guard up completely.
  9. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member


    I get your drift, good point.......
  10. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    Please go back to high school and take a few english courses. I'm sure that your local high school offers them (probably for free). Your grammar is horrible!

    I find it hard to believe that a collection company, that probably makes good money off of the ignorance of others (regarding the laws), would possibly put someone like you in charge of their money!

    Get real!!

  11. cable666

    cable666 Well-Known Member

    This site is required reading? Ha!

    How about this idea for required reading? The FDCPA and FCRA?

    Of course one has to assume the your goons can even read.
  12. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    I don't find it hard to believe at all, any self respecting educated professional would never take a job with a collection agency in the first place. You wont find Betta Gamma Sigma types working in the collection industry. The industry only attracts the bottom of the barrel and that is the type of people that work in it. His grammer and ignorance suit his carrer choice perfectly...
  13. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    You mean the FDCRA and the FDCPA

  14. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    No offense, but I'd have to disagree with that... When I was in college (accounting - yeah i know yuk) the only entry level - bottom of the ladder (barrel - same diff.) job I could get in the "field" was accounts receivable/collections. Of course it wasn't a collection agency per se, and I collected from companys at one job and from customers at another, but it was a job and it paid the bills. And I was never rude to anyone (heck i was struggling to pay my own bills hence the need to take such a horrible job) and i neevr told anyone to sell their TV as collectors had told me and if you said check was in the mail or to give you a call next week that was fine by me. Of course I didn't keep those jobs for very long, not very good at it LOL. And now I'm a computer tech so go figure. :)

    My point being... just because someone might work at a CA doesn't mean (necessarily) that they are not a self respected educated professional. I really think that depends on the individual.

    Sorry, had to vent a bit. :)
  15. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    No offense taken KittieKat, and let me also state that I made the original comment somewhat in jest. However, there is a big difference between an AR shop and a CA. I have never heard of an AR shop calling people at 9 - 10:00pm to collect a debt, being rude and obnoxious etc... Although I am sure some do. Most of my friends took jobs in GL right out of college. Most of the A/R clerks don't have degrees at all, of course the job market was alot different 10 or 15 years ago.

    BTW. what do you mean yuk...I have a Master's in Accounting and took a job with one of the big 5 right out of college. It's a great profession (I spend most of my day shredding documents...lol)
  16. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    HAHAHA Mitchra... I wrote that before coffee this morning!!

    And to specify.. I only meant "yuk" as it wasn't for me. Got my BS in it then changed careers! :)
  17. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

  19. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    I would have to agree with LKH on that. The debt would more than likely be dissallowed in the BK proceedings.
  20. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    It was just a suggestion. And I never did hear anything about anyone being sued for fraud.

    This company's uncollectable accounts (bad debt) ratio was <3%. The less than 3% was comprised of people who died and people who filed bankruptcy.

    Sorry if this was an unethical suggestion, but I know that it worked for people.

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