So I just graduated from college about 2 months ago. Within those 4 years, I accumulated a credit card debt of about $9,000. This debt is among just 3 credit cards and most of the debt is of course over-the-limit and late payment charges. Here's a catch. While in my college town, I gave my creditors my college address in hopes of being able to pay some of the debt down in my last 2 years there. Complete failure. In fact, I ended up in more and worst debt with a checking account...another battle. With that said, I have not received any statements, collection reports, or phone calls that I know of since I have been back in my home town. WHAT DO I DO? I'm tempted to just start from square one with the whole credit-repair battle. But I would hate to revamp any "sleeping" agencies. Should I still continue with validation letters or wait until they start harassing me? Thanks in advance.