Well, I started college this Monday as a Freshman. So far, I really like it. Beautiful women, fun atmosphere, what more can you ask for. I am living at home, which really saves me money. I already paid off my student loan that was left over from the scholarships for this year thanks to a few 40 hour work weeks this summer. I've also looked through the course catalog, and couldn't find ONE course that provided any kind of credit education, beyond the standard economics courses offered. Sad, afterall, many students dont' know what the hell they are doing when it comes to money management. Well, I hope school continues to be fun. Of course, I've got a lot of homework too, lol.
matty61184, I bet you have the biggest CL in the dorm!!! I agree with you that there needs to be credit education/awareness at college. The CC companies are all over college campuses preying on poor seemingly intelligent students. Then it's too late. Have fun and don't let the big CL get you in trouble. You can probably make some side money helping other kids getting CC's. CL doesn't mean Coors Light! Charlie
Just FYI: Wells Fargo's website offers a type of "online training" for credit cards and proper usage on how to build up good credit. Also, with a Wells Fargo Student Credit card, WF prints out a "tip of the month" and stuff like that for ongoing education. Just thought I'd mention it.