I have two classic cards...$400 limit on each...one gold card $500 limit opened in 8/01...my oldest classic was opened in 1999...should I combine them into 1 card with a $1200 limit...should I keep the gold or the oldest classic card...please...any suggestions would be great...I'd like to give Mr. Cooke a call today....thanx
I would keep 2 cards a little longer and get separate increases on them before combining. Why combine so soon. I do not think you will have any difficulty combining them. I had a similar situation, I waited and got $1000 on each through PFB before combining them.
Several months ago I wrote a letter to Capital One through Plantefeedback. I would go that route. Mr. Cooke gave me increases on both cards. He then combined both my limits into one card. He suggested to combine my gold card with the classic. The gold card had a higher limit but the classic was an older account that had been on my cr's a few years. So I had the gold card limit added to my classic, he then upgraded the classic to gold and gave me a fixed interest rate of 12.9 %. I had a very good experience with Mr. Cooke. Ed