Has anyone tried to have an item corrected on their reports simply because one of the three bureaus had already done it? I have been reading that federal law requires the bureaus to share information. This seems pretty broad to me. How do you prove or enforce this sharing for information requirement? Let's suppose you sent a copy of the first sheet of your credit report from CB #1 showing deletion of an account to CB #2 & #3. You would ask for the same deletion for the same reason from them. Would #2 & #3 have to accept this proof under the "sharing of information" principal? Something tells me that if the CB's would do this, I would have read about it on creditnet! Just a thought...... Lisa
Yes, I've tried it a time or two with zero luck. In fact, I used it to show Experian that they had reaged and account (sent them a former report from Ex and also one from EQ). Guess what happened....lol...this is how my luck runs...EQUIFAX reaged the account not a month later when I disputed with them. Others here have said they've had luck with doing it though. L
I am seriously beginning to think all of this is such a crap shot. What works one time, fails another. They "verify" bogus information. They delete truthful (though harmful) information in error. Some days I win, some days I lose. Lisa
I'm 50/50 with this. With TU it worked right away, they corrected the listing two days after getting the CRRR with copies of my Equ and Exp reports. With Exp, I sent copies of TU and EQU reports that correctly listed an account that Exp was showing a late payment on. Exp sent me a letter saying they couldn't fix any problems I had with TU or Equ. Shows how carefully they read our disputes.
I have also had success using my Experian report to get TU to update incorrect information. They delete the tradeline within roughly a week of my faxing the Experian report to them. I tried this method with Equifax and they refused to accept the report. In fact, they refused to accept copies of letters from the original creditor to me claiming that they could be fraudulent. Equifax has always been the toughest to deal with for me. Greg
I see a common theme here..... TU has ALWAYS been the easiest for me to work with. Each time someone said that this process had been successful for them, it was always TU who had accepted the deletion of another bureau. They have accepted documentation from me on several occasions that the other two refused flatly. So, let's rephrase this for the slow girl (me). If I had an account deleted from EQ for whatever reason, I could send TU the front sheet of my EQ report showing the deletion, and TU would be willing to delete it just because EQ did? This exact thing has happened to me over and over and over again. I am always chasing that last deletion months after two of the three have deleted.