concerning validation:

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dvdbrett, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. dvdbrett

    dvdbrett Active Member

    concerning validation efforts, including questioning the CR, does it speed up collection efforts or raise some sort of red flag?
  2. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    That depends on what you mean by CR and "speed up"?? The age and nature of the debt you may want to explain in an effort to have a better understandingmof your situation
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Agreed, you need to clarify your question a bit. Validation is a part of the legal process available to the consumer. It's impact will depend upon many factors (i.e. size and age of debt, particular CA, OC, etc.)
  4. dvdbrett

    dvdbrett Active Member

    I meant CA, not CR. Is it ever true that we should let sleeping dogs lie, or is validation always worth it?
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    There are times to "let sleeping dogs lie" w/a CA account. If it is old, and perhaps about to fall off your credit reports (which would put it past SOL for legal collections measures). In a situation like this, "waking the dog" may casue them to create a "re-aging" of the debt/account, though illegal, still a hassle to deal with to correct.

    However, it the debt is a normal and "active" account, it is usually best to request validation, as they cannot continue collection activity until provided.

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