Confessions of an Addict

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mark LA, May 7, 2002.

  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Way ta go:
    Everybody should be giving the crooks more of their business so we can cry more about it when they put the screws to folks.
    Don't u though~?
  2. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    I have 5 Major Credit Cards - all Platinum

    Juniper $17,500 CL Bal $0
    CitiBank Select $10,900 Bal $0
    CitiBank AAWorld $15,000 Bal $0
    ATT Universal $15,000 Bal $0
    FirstUSA $12,000 Bal $6000 @ 4.99 til paid (just used a x-fer this week til I can get another 0% offer)

    Two retail cards which I almost never use
    Strawbridges $500 Bal $0
    Kohl's $300 Bal $0

    In June of last year I just had

    FirstUSA $12,000
    Peoples $4,000

    Peoples decided not to renew my card in January (with a 747 EQ FICO!!!) so it's closed now.

    I had expected to have all $0 balances by now but had a few wrenches thrown into my plan but am on track again to be credit card debt free by late fall.

    EQ 731
    EX 705
    TU 758
  3. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Congrats, Mist. I hope that you reach your CC debt free goal. I'm right behind you!
  4. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    When is it a "liability"

    I see lots of members with LOT$ of accumulated credit...Great Job!

    However, I could have sworn I read a post a few months ago about the optimal number of credit cards, loans, retail cards, etc... that would optimize your score... this a "myth."

    I have the following...and worried that any more would hurt my score...

    Cap1 Gold - $1500
    Cap1 Kmart Gold - $4500
    My Credit Union Visa Gold - $5000
    My Credit Union Line of Credit - $2500
    Target Guest Card - $400
    PayPal Visa - $1500

    my current scores listed below...
  5. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Thanks Marci,
    Last June I was pretty maxed out and my EQ was only 621 at one point, primarily because of utilization ratios.

    After buying my new house I stupidly listened to the mortgage broker and had closed a slew of credit lines. What a fool - it tanked my ratios and thus my score.

    Certainly I was in pretty deep, but their advice only caused me to have problems with Peoples trying to jack my rate from 13.99% to 27.99% because of the tanked score and ratios. That was actually a blessing because if that hadn't have happened to me I wouldn't have found CreditNet and I probably would have continued to ignore my debt - most of which my hubby didn't know I had. Now I can come clean - LOL.

    In addition to about 14,500 in cc debt at the time (last June) I had a LOC I owed 2700 on. In 10 months I've paid off abt. $11,000 - feels good!
  6. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Re: When is it a "liability"


    No need to worry about having too much with what you've listed.

    You have...

    4 Major CC's
    1 Retail CC
    1 LOC

    and you only have $15,400 of CL.

    What is the total of your balances? That's a key component.

    If you owe more than 25% of the total Credit available your scores will be lower. Get more credit (or pay down debt) and your scores go higher.

    I do think too many cards can eventually hurt the score but it seems the biggest jumps in scores I've gotten have been when I added additional available credit. Many here can attest to the same thing.

    If I were you, my plan would be to try to get some prime cards with big CL's - let them age to 1 year and then close a couple of the ones which have small CL's and won't give you increases. When deciding which ones to close it's a good rule of thumb to keep your oldest cc account open.

    Of course, it's always a good idea to also have a debt reduction plan. Quicken is terrific for helping you budget, track expenses, and put a plan together which you can then follow.
  7. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    repky to lbrown

    "Way ta go:
    Everybody should be giving the crooks more of their business so we can cry more about it when they put the screws to folks."

    While i did admit to the addictive nature of apply for ccs online, and while i'm aware of the downfalls of having too many cards - there is an upside, in my opinion.
    if someone does try to "screw u over" with higher interest rates, etc - at least you have other cards that you can transfer balances to.
  8. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Re: repky to lbrown

  9. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    score effect

    I'm waiting to see how the negative and positive factors will affect scores
    Negative: two new accounts on the report (when they post) and the hard inquires
    Positive - better debt cl ratio when cards post
    i wonder which has more of an effect on the score
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: repky to lbrown

    Well that is one way to look at it!
  11. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Re: reply to lbrown

    just out of curiousity lb - how many cards do you have?
    hope you don't mind me asking
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: reply to lbrown

    About 8 total.
    I use one for my ISP.I don't use it for anything else and I never carry a balance on it.

    I have another one I use the same way for my cell phone and another card is handled the same way for long distance phone service.

    My idea is to use cards for convenience not to make the banks rich.

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