"Confidential" secured cards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hotsauce, Sep 25, 2002.

  1. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know of any "confidential" secured cards besides Wells Fargo? Meaning the actual card does not state that it is secured.
  2. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Great question. Providian told me that my card would not report as secured. Guess what? My card reports as secured.

  3. valgal333

    valgal333 Well-Known Member

    My Capital One Visa does not report secure.
  4. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member


    When you received your Cap 1 Sec. card did it state anywhere on your card that it was sec.?
  5. dario1979

    dario1979 Well-Known Member

    Navy Federal Credit Union offers a secured visa... looks and works like a visa classic it even lists it as a visa classic when you log on to view your account info. It shows as a regular credit card on your credit report. And Capital one listed as a regular card on my credit report. thats all i can think of.
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    providian does not list as secured for me. also try amalgamated bank. www.aboc.com. their secured cards are great! i think dogman has posted about them!
  7. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    My Cap1 doesn't report secured... nor it doesn't say secured on the card itself..
  8. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    Thanks to all for your replies!! :) :)
  9. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    Thanks to all for your replies!! :) :)
  10. pgibb

    pgibb Active Member

    Good card, but Amalgamated reports as secured.
  11. hkolln

    hkolln Well-Known Member

    I had capital one secured and it didn't state secured on my credit report.
  12. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Davidkindle (sorry if I spelled it wrong) the resident Wells Fargo guru said in another thread that their secured card reports secured on all three CRA.
  13. valgal333

    valgal333 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I didn't answer sooner hotsauce, I wasn't ignoring you, I was at work! I see you got your response about Cap 1. Another good thing about Cap 1 is that they will increase your cl after 6 months of on time payments. In my case, I did not have to send any additional funds to increase my cl. Good Luck!
  14. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member


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