I am still waiting on my disputes to come back, but today when I logged onto TC, 2 accounts are gone? Both were collections, one for 32 and the other for 100. The 100 collection, I thought was IIB, but it wasn't! So I don't know what happened. The 32 Collection, I didn't even dispute, Why are they gone if my results are not finished yet? I logged onto EX and EQ, they are gone from there as well. But TU says that I cannot log on right now? Says try again later. I wonder ehat that is about. Two accounts that I am having major problems with have not listed the account in dispute on EX or EQ dont know about TU. The accounts were IIB. If they verify and don't add IIB is them not marking as in dispute a violation as well, I made copies of CR. Need everything against them I can get.
Did you dispute the missing accounts with any of the CRAs? Sometimes when a company receives a dispute, they pull a 'trick' to do an end-run around the re-insertion provision. They delete the account manually, on all of the CRAs, then they can say that it wasn't removed as a result of the dispute. (Just removed at the same time, so 'we weren't giving that information out until we confirmed it'). Then 'lo and behold, what comes back the second they do the next update...
How old was the one for $32? Maybe that one was due to fall off of your report. But just as the above poster stated I would look out for the tricks that CRA play.
RE Jam237's post. I'm pretty sure that's what just happened to me with a collection account. Grrrrrrr...... In my case, I filed a 2nd dispute which is currently pending We'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks.
If they reinsert, they must contact you within 5 days that it has been reinserted and correct. Make sure you have copies of before and after ! Many of them fail to ever send the required notice of reinsertion and it will be gone real quick if they do ot with a letter.