Okay, I'll make this short. I sent a VL to a CA who is collecting on behalf of another CA, their "client". My ??? here is, does the agency I sent it to (whose been calling me and sent me the notice) tell the CRA's that its disputed for the CA they are collecting for? Neither of these are the OC. I just ask cause they received the letter at the beginning of this month and I got another copy of my credit report with nothing stating its disputed. Thanks for any help!!
An over simplified answer Each collection agency is seperate and distinct. There is no "automatic" violations. If the collection agency was notified that the account was disputed, then was able to "verify" the info, they would not have to report the account as disputed. Additionally, if the collection agency received the dispute, they could have very well reported the account as disputed to the reporting agency, and it is the reporting agency who has failed to report the account as disputed. THIS info would be vital to anyone concidering a case at this point. Im sure Lbrown would agree.
*************** GET THE BASICS HERE. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ***************** >There is no "automatic" violations. 1*If the collection agency was notified that the account was disputed, ***then was able to "verify" the info, they would not have to report the account as disputed. ca0me15 *************************** 1*they received the Val.letter at the beginning of this month and I got another copy of my credit report with nothing stating its disputed. by prpledrms. The point here is the CA Failed to list the account as disputed after receiving prpledrms VL and did not validate the debt. ***That's just it they did not validate therefore they were required to note the dispute.
There is a major wrinkle here... (ok, a few...) 1) The data furnisher doesn't have to send the update until their next scheduled Section 623(a) update, which is usually on or around the same date of the month; less than a month is not a long enough period to ensure that they've set the flag to update when they do the next 623(a) update. 2) Per the FTC, there is nothing saying that they have to send the update or mark the file in dispute until the end of the investigation. Yes, we as educated consumers highly disagree with this concept, but there are FTC Opinions which state that they could wait until the end of the investigation to either update or mark the account. 3) If the trade line is in the name of CA1, and CA2 received the validation letter, CA1 may not have been notified of the consumers dispute. This is why when CA2 sends a letter on CA1's behalf, its good to send a "I've never heard of you, but CA2 sent a letter on your behalf on xx/xx/xxxx." validation letter directly to CA1 as well.
Thanks for all the help. Jam, about the CA2, sending the CA1 a letter saying I got a letter from this CA2 on your behalf, blah, blah, blah. I've never received anything from them in the mail. I was just going to call and play dumb. "Hi, I saw this on my credit report, etc." Any inputs... Thanks again
. I was just going to call and play dumb ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Never get on the phone with a ca
Okay so what should I do about CA 1 who is on my credit report, has been for a couple of years and hasn't called or sent me anythign in the mail than at the beginning of June I get calls from CA 2 who claims to be calling on their CA 1's behalf. How do I get that CA 1 account off of my credit report than. "not mine" doesnt work in the dispute process.
just replace written with called I have never heard of your company, until CA2 called me on your behalf. And be sure to add a sentence telling them to only communicate in writing at the address above. (and send the same to CA2, if you didn't already.)
I appreciate your help, however, this affects my clearance. They are trying to take it away from me so I need to get as much taken care of as possible and fast.
There is no *FAST* resolution when the FCRA is concerned, virtually all disputes will take at least the 30 days that company's are allowed to respond to a dispute. Disputing it directly with CA1 and then when they've signed for the green card, disputing it with the CRA, should be the fastest solution, unless CA1 decides to violate; but they will definately take the entire 30 days allowed, hoping that the OC can come up with the validation within that time.
Re: Re: Confusion Does it need to be deleted, or would the account just being marked as being in dispute help prevent the clearance loss? If just being marked in dispute will help, you could send (and re-send) the CRA a letter demanding that it be marked as being in dispute, in accordance with the FCRA, chances are they won't do it, unless you are adament and keep pestering them to add the dispute notation.
Re: Re: Confusion have it stated as disputed wont result in a loss as I am sending a copy of my validation letter with my packet I would just like something more solid like calling them (which I know is a BAD idea) to show the agency that I am at least trying. But doing the disputed thing as I already have on line a couple of weeks back it still doesnt say disputed and I need to get this done ASAP. I'm not too worried about it being in the initial report and when they checked my credit a few months back they didnt bring it up in their letter of intent. I just am being prepared to give them something in case they try and throw that back into my face.