Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by superadman, Jan 30, 2002.

  1. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I just read them the riot act over the phone. They'll be receiving certified mail from me later this week. Like an idiot, I ordered their "free" credit report online because they said it would be Equifax. The damn thing doesn't even include the score. They make you jump through a dozen hoops to end up viewing your report online, they even make you receive your password via the US mail. I'm in Hilton Head, SC right now for a conference and tomorrow evening I'll be in New Orleans until the Monday after Super Bowl. I'll be home only part of a day after that and then back to Salt Lake City for the Winter Olympics. I pulled a score power report and score 15 minutes ago and saw "" listed as a recent hard inquiry. I hit the ceiling. A supervisor I talked to a few moments ago promised that they would "turn in the form necessary" to have the inquiry removed. I hope they don't remove it so I can sue.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the head up. Regret that you had to find out the hard way.
  3. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I have

    I don't see any hard inquiries.

    Maybe it was a mistake?
  4. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    I have crdit monitoring service and free credit report. I request my credit report twice a month and they didn't pull hard inquiry on my Equifax. Only it show as consumer request or soft inquiry on my Equifax report.

  5. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Thanks for the condolences Love. I don't know what their problem is, but I am furious. The customer service people that they have seem courteous but they are being told that there is only a soft inquiry and that (for me) simply is not true. I hope I don't have to litigate with them to get it removed.

    Ron, I would love to use a decent service for monitoring if it would show the score. But you have received good service from them with no hard inquiry?
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    I had a similar problem with That services provides unlimited three-bureau reports for $79 per year which seemed like a GREAT DEAL to me, lol, until I found out that their inquiries registered as "HARD" on Trans Union. Interestingly, they are soft inquiries on both Equifax and Experian. I had to jump through many hoops in order to get their inquiries moved "below the line" as the lady at Trans Union put it, but finally they were, and I resigned the Confidential Credit service and demanded (and got) a full refund. I didn't notice the problem until a couple of months and 4 consolidated reports into the deal.

    Confidential Credit couldn't give me an explanation why this happened that way for me with Trans Union, nor would they tell me if I was the only one affected by the problem. I have no idea if this was a fluke or if this is just how they do business. Since Confidential Credit is owned by First American Credco (a large, old firm used very often by mortgage brokers nationally), you would think that they wouldn't manifest these kinds of problems, but unfortunately they did in my case anyway.

  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I paid them $69 for them for monitoring credit and all the credit report you can request. It shows on my Equifax as Consumerinfo--Consumer disclosure. It didn't show up as hard inquiry. If you buy triple credit report from them, it shows up hard inquiry on my TransUnion not Experian and Equifax. Only triple report that give you score is PrivacyGuard. I think they have to mail it to you.


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