For all those who have faxed the CRA's the letters/forms that the CA sent them (the consumer) that says they're deleting, did you need to send any proof to the CRA about who you are (like utlility bill, copy of s.s. #, etc.) or did you simply send a copy of the UDF or letter the CA sent you asking the CRA to delete.
I faxed the UDF with a cover sheet telling them that per the attached UDF which had also been submitted by the CA, please delete immediately. I typed my name, dob and ssn. They never asked for id. In fact the only time they have ever asked for that was Experian when I wanted to remove a security alert statement. Oh...and the local TU office that I've only dealt with once. Forgot to include my ssn on that one though. L
I faxed and snail mailed a letter from IC Systems to the CRA's and CE took it off in 4 or 5 days. The others I'm still waitin on. Charlie
Thanks for the info whyspers, charlie. I'll go ahead and fax it over with just a cover sheet and pertinent info.
Mindcrime, I faxed equifax a copy of my gulf state deletion letter and it was deleted within 3 or 4 business days.
LKH, Is this the fax number you used for EQ: 888-345-9399 And is (if you know) 877-454-1010 still working for EX? BTW, thanks for the info.
thanks LKH, I'll use that number instead. It's good to know they'll delete in a few days rather than 30.
Mindcrime that's the one i used 888 345 9399, it took them 8 days to take off, i called them yesterday to confirm. I called 877 299 5708. It looks like the ph# changes on every credit report i get back, but the rep indicated it was taking a few addtl days than norm... I included the letter and my name, they removed one but going back to the OC for the the other.
Whenever I've faxed a UDF to EQU, they don't pay attention to it. I've always had to go through the exec. office. Usually I just write my name, SSN#, address and a recent file # for them.
I just faxed the UDF with a letter asking them to delete immediately. On the UDF it had all my info.: D.O.B., SSN, address, etc. So I didn't include it and they still deleted.
KHM, Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully the regular office will just delete it without giving me a hard time. In the event they don't, can you give me the number to the exec office?