Contradictory disputes...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Oct 31, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Some of you may recall that when I started this stuff, I initially was doing both mine and my hubby's before I knew what I was doing. At that time, I think I inadvertantly confirmed his bk by stating TL's that were listed as charge-offs were actually included in BK.

    I'm wanting to dispute during CHOD and try to get the bk off his report and also the incl in bk notations. Is it possible to dispute something one way and then six months later dispute it as "not mine" or do they go back and even review previous disputes?


  2. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    In my experience, you can change reasons for dispute with some success. However, the "not mine"
    is often easiest to verify. I know many people have gone from the "not mine" reason to "inaccurate" and had success.

    I don't know if they review previous disputes. Probably an age factor in there somewhere.
    I know during the last round of Doc's trick I had inquires removed that were just about 6 months old. The time before that they didi verify so maybe the 6 month thing is important.

    I think the "inaccurate" is a great reason just because it is so vague. If it isn't your account it is inaccurate, if it has a mistake it is inaccurate, ect.

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