Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Rebate

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Aug 5, 2002.

  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    A month ago, I tried to convert my AmEx Blue to the American Express Cash Rebate Card and was told, "Sorry, we can't convert from Blue to the Cash Rebate Card. They are on two entirely different accounting systems, so we simply don't do that, but you are welcome to apply for a second card if you like." Since I have too many cards already (at least according to FICO) and since I didn't want to incur another needless hard inquiry, I decided not to apply for a second AmEx card at that time. Plus, I really don't want two AmEx cards anyway.

    Fast-forward to this morning. I saw this press release for the recently updated (spiffy new card design too!) American Express Cash Rebate Card:

    With a rebate of up to 5%, that beats my Chase Stockback card all to hell. So I thought, what the heck, I'll call AmEx again and ask if my Blue can be product-transferred to the new Cash Rebate Card. Voila. They did it. No new application. No trouble. Here's what I told them (in case it made a difference, although of course it may not have mattered):

    Hi, I'm an AmEx Blue cardholder, and this is my account number, etc. I haven't used my Blue card in a few months and will not because I've been using a rebate card issued by Chase -- their Stockback card. Anyway, I noticed a press release for your new Cash Rebate Card, and the terms are better in some respects that what Chase has. In other respects, Chase still is a better deal, though. Anyway, I do not want to simply apply for a new card because I'm trying to minimize my credit report hard inquiries, but is there a way for me to simply product-transfer from Blue to the new Cash Rebate Card? If you can do that, I'll begin using American Express again routinely.

    She put me on hold for a longggg time (about 3 minutes), then came back and said, "No problem. You'll receive your card in [I forgot, lol] days."

    The Blue card was cool looking, but they didn't pay me money to use it. My Blue had their lowest APR for Blue of 9.9% fixed, while the lowest APR for the Cash Rebate is prime (currently 4.75%) plus 4.99% -- or 9.74%. So, at least for now, my APR is even lower than it was, plus I get a cash rebate. This isn't as favorable as my Chase Stockback rate (7.99% fixed for purchases and balance transfers), but since I'm not running balances anyway it doesn't matter. I'm not sure Chase offers that low rate as standard operating equipment with a new Stockback card, incidentally; when I upgraded my Chase Platinum card to Stockback they let me keep my current APR. In any event, AmEx Cash Rebate gives an additional 2% for purchases made during months where a balance is carried. I may keep a perpetual $10 balance on that card, lol. :)

    Lest any newcomer resent my happy report, please know that just 16 months ago I was begging for a subprime Capital One card. Credit repair is possible! :)

  2. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Congrats Doc. :)

    How will Amex report your account? Will you have two tradelines - Blue and the Cash Rebate or will it remain the same history and one tradeline?

    That is a great cash rebate offer. Maybe I will try contacting them. Five percent cash rebate or my current, 12.99%, and no rebate. Umm, a toughie. ;)

  3. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Doc do you remember what your status (score, derogs) was when you applied for your Amex Blue. Amex is one of my goals. In your opinion is the blue easier to get than say the green. Any advice or intel would be appreciated
  4. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Blue is alot harder to get than green. Green seems to be the easiest.
  5. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Bailey, any idea on scores, I have heard amex pulls Eq and Ex in CT. what kind of status should I have, I do not want to waste an inquiry
  6. hello

    hello Well-Known Member

    I just saw that card too. What are the tiers? It says up to 5%, I couldnt find any info on the tiers and spending. I JUST cancelled my cash rebate card, (the old one, platinum with the big head). I replaced it with the blue at 9.9%! Now, it seems the cash rebate card is better. ugh!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Your annual cash reward for everyday purchases at stand-alone U.S. supermarkets, drugstores, gas stations and home improvement stores is up to 3%. Your annual cash reward for all other purchases is up to 1.5%. You will receive an additional rebate of up to 2% for purchases in months in which your account carries a balance. Your cash rewards are limited to $50,000 of eligible spending.
  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    hello, I called their toll-free number for the details. Basically, it's a tiered program with two sections and a bonus. Here's my paraphrased explanation:

    Section 1: "Everyday Purchases." AmEx is defining "Everyday" to mean grocery store, drugstore, gasoline, and home improvement store purchases. At the end of each year, AmEx will total your "Everyday Purchases"; if that total is $1000 or under your rebate is .5% (one-half of a percent), and if it's from $1001 to $6000 then your rebate is 1%, and if that total is $6001 or more then your rebate is 3%.

    Section 2: "Other Purchases." AmEx defines "Other" to mean everything except the grocery store, drugstore, gasoline, and home improvement store purchases. At the end of each year, AmEx will total your "Other Purchases"; if that total is $1000 or under your rebate is .25% (one-quarter of a percent), if it's from $1001 to $6000 then your rebate is .5% (one-half of a percent), and if it's $6001 or more then your rebate is 1.5%.

    Bonus: For either "Everyday Purchases" or "Other Purchases," for anything you purchase during a month you maintain a balance (ANY balance, lol), you will receive an additional 2% (that's TWO FULL PERCENTAGE POINTS) for that purchase at the end of the year. That's pretty substantial.

    Total Year-End Rebate: The total amount you are refunded at the end of the year is equal to your "Everyday Purchases" rebate, plus your "Other Purchases" rebate, plus any purchase bonuses you earned for items acquired during months where you kept a balance.

    This beats Discover, incidentally, because Discover only refunds a certain amount for each tier of spending. AmEx literally totals your whole-year spending and determines your rebate percentage based upon that whole figure.

    I'm going to like this card. :)


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    14.74% as
    of 6/01/02.
  11. hello

    hello Well-Known Member

    So if you charge $4000 in 1 month, and carry a $1 balance, you get a bonus 2% rebate on the FULL $4000 in purchases? Or just the $1 that you carried?
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I DON'T KNOW...

    It MIGHT be in the "SUPER-FINE PRINT" isn't in the "FINE PRINT"...
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    I find it useful to call their 800 number for questions like these. It takes less time than posting here and waiting for an answer. (Not to mention the fact that you also have to wade through useful posts like the one George just made in which he told you that he didn't know.)

    Ok, I just telephoned AmEx. If you carry a $1 balance, you do get the 2% bonus on purchases made during the month of the carried balance. In your example, that would net you a cool $80. I like it.

  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Only "SELECTED" places you can get "UP-TO" there are some places YOU WON'T GET 3%...
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    F.Y.I.~~~DISCOVERCARD considers WAL*MART a membership store and only gives 0.0025 EVEN IF YOU SPEND $30,000 FOR THE YEAR!!!
  16. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Hi, George, do me a favor. Read the post in this thread where I explain the difference between "Everyday Purchases" and "Other Purchases." If you have other questions, please call American Express toll-free. It's no wonder why you have 10,000+ posts, lol. (Thanks again for another useful posting, cough, cough.) :D

  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

  18. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Doc, greetings and congrats!

    I have tried several times to get my Blue converted, calling MCS, more, and customer service with no luck at all. It's good to know you made it work.

    I have a detailed thread on this new card that you might find interesting at . We discuss in detail the rewards structure, the strategies for maxmizing rewards, etc. Would welcome your 2 cents on this excellent BBS.

    I assume they didn't give you the 6 months no interest deal for converting, did they? If they did, that would be a superb accomodation they made for you.
  19. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Aha, Dave, great thread! I used to be addicted to Fatwallet as well. (See, great minds truly do think alike, heh.) I was mostly a lurker there, though; my nickname there was/is YammyB (for no good reason whatsoever, to tell you the truth -- I've never picked the nick "Yammy" for anything else in my life and the "B" is similarly insignificant). Anyway, I'll read that thread! Thanks for pointing the way.

    Incidentally, the reason I say I "used" to be addicted to Fatwallet is because there are so many good deals there that I was BUYING too much stuff, lol. Way too much stuff. Your posting here may put me into relapse, lol. :)

    As for whether I got the 6 months of 0% balance transfers, I have no idea... I should have asked... I will call 'em back.


    P.S. I just read that thread... it's excellent. Thanks for the GREAT explanation about the card... Some of what I posted in this thread was WRONG. I heartily recommend your thread on the other board. Thanks again, Dave, and I'm really looking forward to getting this exciting card!
  20. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Thanks for the kind words Doc, glad you found the thread useful! Hope to see you (and other CN members) in the relatively new FW finance category, my single favorite BBS at the moment.

    Will look forward to hearing about whether you scored 0% also.

    Cheers, Dave

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