Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Rebate

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Aug 5, 2002.

  1. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    DaveH-You are the reason that I was able to find CreditNet. Thank you! I linked from your post back in May when someone asked about declaring bankruptcy. Thanks again!
  2. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    you bet MandyB, so glad to have been of help :)

    I wish there were more cross-pollination between FW finance and this fine board.
  3. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    If you keep posting links, people will be encouraged to look at both boards. Keep up the good work!
  4. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    George is gone :(
  5. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    What do you mean gone? Has he left the board? I hope not.
  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    What do you mean George is gone? Gone where?

  7. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Doc, did you happen to call back Amex on the 0% promo offer?
  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Well, guess what... I received my Cash Rebate card in the mail today... and it was THE WRONG CARD. They issued me the old "up to 2%" blue-colored card instead of the new "up to 5%" green-colored card. A customer service supervisor is supposed to call me tomorrow. Am I pissed off? Yes. I am pissed off.


    P.S. Sorry, DaveH, I never revisited this thread so I didn't see your question. Nope, I didn't get any special 0% BT offer. Also, in case you didn't read the paragraph above (lol), I got THE WRONG CARD. :(
  9. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member

    Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb

    Hey Doc,

    I am really sorry about what happened. I just wanted to share my experience with them and why I cancelled two AMEX cards. Man, I'll tell you what- they are unable to put their crappy system and products together. They are all messed up like Experian. They put finance charges from January on my May statement. When you call Customer Service you don't get the answer and they are not willing to transfer to someone who can help and answer. I paid off and closed the accounts in June and it still shows on Experian as open and with balances. AMEX is only big name but in real life it's simple called- crap.

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