converting Sears to Mastercard

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Karen, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    I got the offer to convert. My Sears account goes back over 25 years. Do they pull a credit report to convert? Will the tradeline keep my original date I opened my Sears card? And, what terms are they offering?
  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    My brother's Sears card was converted to Sears Gold mastercard last year and they just sent him the card. The tradeline remains the same as Sears Card and they didn't pull any credit report since they review your credit monthly. They increased his credit limit when his Sears Card converted to Sears Gold Mastercard. The APR for his card is 13.99% var and he also got Sears choice rewards on his account. I have Sears Premier Card and I need to apply for Sears Gold Mastercard. They didn't convert mine to Sears Gold Mastercard.

  3. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Will the target card work this way?

    I applied for the target visa----declined
    I do have the guest card

    Has anyone tried converting target?
  4. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    I was just converted from the Sears Premier to the Gold Mastercard about two months ago. They did not pull a report but they did lower my interest rate and raised the CL from $9600 to $15,000. Also, the tradeline is still reporting with the original date that the account was opened.
  5. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I asked their customer service and they told me that they will convert Target Guest into Target Visa if you meet their criteria. By the way, I have Target Guest Card for over 2 yrs and they never convert mine to Target Visa. So I apply for Target Visa on the web and first time I got denied. After half a month, I got approved for Target Visa.

  6. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member


    Ng, my mother has target guest card pretty good payment history for about 3 years, she is now on disability anyway a few months ago she was in target and they were promoting the visa she applied and was denied. well she came home and told me she was kind of embarrased about the whole thing so i wrote target via planet feedback. saying something like, the clerk told me everyone with a guest card was usually approved,i have been a good customer for years, i was somewhat embarrased by the denial after holding up the line for 10 minutes yada,yada..
    and low and behold not 3 weeks later here comes a red target visa with a 2500.00 limit in the mail. she was so suprised! so PFB might be worth a try.
  7. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    The indicators for who gets converted must be top secret! They wouldn't convert my Premier card, kept telling me to apply... so I finally did.

    Online, got the "we need more time" message ... then got a letter in the mail (ok, must be declined...) but was only asking for address verification info. So I sent it in and on the cover letter mentioned "would like to transfer existing card to new MC..."

    Let's see if they do it. I should have an answer on Friday.

  8. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    What are their guide lines?
    Maybe I should call and find out why the denial.
    I think it stated in the letter too many inquires etc.
    They pulled Equifax which is my worst report and has since lost another +45 pts


    If the phone call does not work I will try planetfeedback thanks for the info.

    Did anyone actually get converted or did everyone have to apply.

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