COOL credit tool...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by uhackthis, May 11, 2002.

  1. uhackthis

    uhackthis Well-Known Member

    Information is power...and I think I am a little more powerful now. I just ran across a website that informs you which credit report different lenders may pull when you apply. I don't know a lot about them, but it's may be legit. Check it out:

    Has anyone else ever heard of/used it before?
  2. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    This thread re-emphasizes a point I have made before. Millcbs doesn't work because many, many people don't know about it. A prominent link from creditnet should exist at a minimum.
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I 2nd that motion. And I input my info every time I get an inquiry and results.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member is SOMETHING to go by...

    The CRA'S have "SALES" and credit card/loan companies can change for a REASON or NO REASON...
  5. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Why is it I can easily ascertain from CN that the (old) amex loc was always EXP soft. But can't figure that out from millcbs?

    Why can I figure out from CN chase is always TU. But can't figure that out from millcbs?

    Etc., etc., etc.

    millcbs is a terrific idea that does not work. people make excuses for it not working like it should saying "its something." It would be much, much more effective if people used it. (Non-lazy) people don't use it because they don't know about it. People don't about it because it is not linked to from this site. It or a db like it should be *ON* creditnet. At the very least there should be a prominent link to millcbs. As long as this is not the case it will never work like it should and could.

    That somebody could post, "hey look what I found" is testament to this inescapable conclusion.
  6. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I had no idea that this database existed- I for one say thanks for posting it! I think the database is a bit small for now, but in time it may be a very useful database for all of us... perhaps ending the "who pulls EXP only in NY" kinds of posts -- at least we could obtain more definitive answers!
  7. uhackthis

    uhackthis Well-Known Member

    I have been at this for about a month and I just discovered the database, so like I said previously, there are plenty of newbies, like me, who will benefit from knowing it's there.

    As far as the replies to this message so far:

    LKH: Thanks. You have responded to some of my other posts and have been helpful and positive...I appreciate that.

    Psychdoc: Same as LKH.

    anomaly847: Please just keep it positive. Whether you meant to come off condescending or did. But I have thick skin and I really could care less whether some people like me...Especially ones who try to make me look bad. I am really here for two things:

    1) Clean up my credit by learning from others who have been successful at it.
    2) Pass it on to the next person who would benefit.

    Now, let's all get along...
  8. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Hi there guys. I'm going to ignore this and ask bkev a question, if that's ok :)

    Hi guy...

    is it true that Experian doesn't have the ability to report open accounts as open?... eg: Amex green is an open account but it shows as revolving on Experian but as open on Equifax and Tu...

    do you know why? I'm really curious if this is hurting me... it helps revolving ratios but makes it look like I have 17k more available credit on the revolving side... if you have any insight I'd appreciate it.

    thx :)
  9. anomaly847

    anomaly847 Guest

    By open do you mean charge card vs credit card? For scoring I don't think it matters anymore IF your credit limit reports... If you're going through a manual review, it was that mortgage companies liked to see one charge card (the types due in full each month) and a couple of credit cards to develop a consumer history. I don't 'think' this applies much anymore.

    Does that answer the question?
  10. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    yes, I do mean charge... "pay in full" accounts like Amex green vs credit ... "I can keep a balance" like my Cap1 Plat card...

    I guess kindof partially answers... :) I have always heard the model likes at least one charge card...

    I guess I'm also wondering if/why/whynot Experian seems to not ever show open accounts as open (charge)... instead the system seems to convert all open accounts to revolving... does it only have 3 categories? installment, mortgage, and revolving... but not open?

    So I guess the second question is Can the system show open accounts (charge)? accounts?

    and then: for applications for new credit cards... do you think having a charge card (with a 17k high balance) hurts the model used because I look overloaded with revolving credit... when in fact that one is paid in full every month and I can't revolve on that 17k...

    Nice to have an insider back, by the way :_)
  11. anomaly847

    anomaly847 Guest

    Don't believe the hype.... I'm not an insider. Never have worked for any company in the credit industry, never would. Just a consumer like you... More false rumors (this one started by DOC), none of which based in fact....

    Don't forget that no company ever sees your creditexpert score. It's not the Experian FICO... and I'm sure GEORGE will tell you, only the true FICO scores matter... Why don't you ask your question of FICO directly (1-800-777-2066)? I talked with a supervisor, Barry Paperno, whenever I had a question, but that's been more than a year, so I don't know if he's still there.

    GOOD LUCK....
  12. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    ok, I am genuinely disappointed... although I'm sure your job is nice...

    (I guess this is a "the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated" situation)

    I was actually hoping you did work with them so we could get some real answers / and send some feedback to someone who might possibly change their database for the better...

    Hope I didn't offend you by believing you worked "there" :) Of course, thinking someone works for Experian is better than thinking someone works for TU...

    I can't even imagine TU's marketing... "Hi, we're TU and since our system isn't updated and since we can't mark any items as being "in dispute"... we can generate multiple fcra violations for you and for us simply when a consumer disputes any part of the trade line... Still want to do business with us???..."


    I actually had a really nice conversation with a Fair Isaac rep several months ago... lasted 40 minutes or so and I asked every question under the sun.. this is a new situation, that's all.

    well... thanks anyway... ;) if you know of an Experian insider... please send them my way!
  13. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Maybe because that is not true. Chase ALWAYS pulls experian for me.
  14. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member


    Drop me an email, it's enabled here:)
  15. anomaly847

    anomaly847 Guest

    I've sent...

    For the others.... You know what information was here... and what information is not <<TOLD YOU!>>here now.... I hope that proves my point beyond any doubts...

  16. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Virtually always...that may change(d), but in the past close if not all Chase pulls were TU -- local affiliates might have been an exception.

    Regardless, my point remains intact. Millcbs needs to be on creditnet or linked to creditnet or it will never work like it should.
  17. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I agree with you 100%, solzy. It is a great concept, but it needs to be affiliated with creditnet. Charlie
  18. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Dear anomaly847/Bkev,

    I assume you are referring to posts removed in this thread. Those posts were removed to keep the thread on-topic, and included posts from several other users as well. Since you have the unique ability to usurp threads with bromidic sermons (see reply above) it should come as no surprise that the majority of posts removed were yours indeed.

    The only point you are proving is that you are too self-absorbed to concede the truth. Your proclivity for conspiracy theories and chronic complaints is deemed unacceptable from this point forward. This shall be your last warning.

  19. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member


    well, staying on topic, why don't you do something about my point?
  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    PBM, surely you can tolerate a few off-topic messages. My suggestion: unless the guy becomes physically threatening or otherwise incredibly abusive, or begins spamming every thread with off-topic stuff, don't censor his postings from this thread. My selfish reason for saying so is this: I'd really like to see what "evidence" he has for believing I'm you, lol. :) If you delete his postings, then we get none of that evidence, and then you've exacerbated his paranoid delusions on top of that. (Cough, cough.)

    Now, this gets complicated. Since he thinks I'm pbm, he thinks I'm talking to myself, which would make me even more complex and neurotic than he is. (Possible, of course.) In that case, this sad tale has taken a dark turn indeed.

    Ok, to review: First, the gentleman in question accused me of being on Bill Bauer's payroll a few months ago, an accusation he never retracted. The reason: I consistently defended Bill from the silly onslaught the gentleman piled onto him. Then PBM mentioned that the gentleman and "superadman" shared the same IP address. Then I chimed in and said I believed PBM. Frankly, since I had previously been chided for being on Bill's payroll, which of course I knew to be false, I was certainly predisposed to believe someone else. (Even more frankly, is *anyone* on Bill's payroll, lol?) Then our fair gentleman suddenly decided I must be PBM (rather than being on Bill Bauer's payroll). Perhaps it's because PBM demonstrates an admirable command of the English language, a quality I share, ahem, LOL. (Actually, you have me beat: I had to look up the word "bromidic" just now.) Or maybe it's because we are both incredibly handsome men who must spend a sizable amount of time fending off hungry women. Well, at least that's true in my case. But I digress.

    It's 12:24 a.m. I'm exhausted. My daughter won't sleep, it's my night to do baby duty, and I'm indulging my Creditnet addiction. I'd better get to the point fast. (Sorry.)

    Point: Avoid censoring the postings of someone who's already angry about censorship if you can help it. Second point: I really want to see the hard evidence about me being PBM. See, if I'm you, then my wife can enjoy some variety in our marriage without worrying about cheating. Or something like that. Ok, I clearly need to stop this. :) Nite.


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