PBM: Thank you for admitting publicly that you are censoring my posts (just like I've been saying) and that it is not a bug in the vBulletin software or any of the customizations that you made to creditnet.com version.
Marie What was the question? I thought the question was does having a charge card help your FICO score. I personally thing the answer is yes. No mater what, for me, I like having the 800 pound gorilla of the credit card industry in my corner. Point One: "I guess I'm also wondering if/why/whynot Experian seems to not ever show open accounts as open (charge)... instead the system seems to convert all open accounts to revolving... does it only have 3 categories? installment, mortgage, and revolving... but not open?" On my Experian report my Amex gold charge card shows TYPE "revolving, TERMS "1 Months". All my other active bank cards show TYPE "revolving, TERMS "NA". Point Two: Categories should be 0 charge card 1 bank card 2 store card 3 installment auto 4 installment mortgage 5 installment other (secured or line of credit with a bank) I hope this helps.
Off-topic anomaly Dear anomaly847/Bkev, Censorship implies that there is something of value in the material being suppressed. Since this doesn't apply to your posts it would be more accurate to say that your posts are simply being removed, not censored. As for the vBulletin bug, please refer to the official vBulletin Beta 3 Bug Report list which documents the problem described by other members here on more than one occasion: I trust this information helps exculpate myself from these mendacious accusations, though that seems unlikely given your delusional monomania. Sincerely, pbm
Over the past 2.5 years, they have always pulled TU for me. For the initial account opening and any increase requests. I'm in NY btw. Can't say for anyone else who they pulled. btw, if you look at millcbs, you can see that I have entered the inquiry.
Re: Off-topic anomaly censorship n 1: counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy [syn: censoring, security review] 2: deleting parts of publications or correspondence or theatrical performances [syn: censoring] Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University cen·sor·ship Pronunciation Key (snsr-shp) n. The act, process, or practice of censoring. The office or authority of a Roman censor. Psychology. Prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching consciousness except in a disguised form. censor n : a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable v 1: forbid the public distribution of; as of movies or newspapers [syn: ban] 2: subject to political, religious, or moral censorship; "This magazine is censored by the government" Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University ------------------------------ It's very clear what you are doing... and why... whatever justification you claim to put behind it. How many other people have you censored? Why the special attention to me? We know the truth don't we...
Re: Off-topic anomaly Hmm, it may be clear to you, Bkev, but it's not clear to many of us. Moreover, I've not heard of anybody else crying "censorship" except you. Finally, although I'm not pbm, LOL, I can guess why the special attention to you: It's because you are a total wacko nut. Actually, my professional opinion runs something more like this: You are a lonely young man with an Axis II personality disorder -- most probably Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Since your work with the A---- B---- of C---- is so dull and your personal life so empty, you are narcissistically wounded anytime someone challenges you. That's what fuels your demonstrated ability to maintain the same conflicts with the same people for months on end. Initially, your behavior elicits anger, but ultimately you really pull for pity. I hope you find yourself in a position where you can benefit from psychotherapy soon. PBM: If this interpersonally-challenged individual never met the terms of your original ban, you should ban him again quickly. That's my personal opinion. Bkev: Your email to me will be ignored. Good luck, Kevin. Doc
Re: Off-topic anomaly Amazing... NOTHING to do with Credit... Wonder if this post will be censored or allowed to remain? Hmmmm.... Anyone want to make odds? You're VERY close-minded Doc.... What a GOD complex you have... and yet, SO much time on your hands to patrol this board... hmmmmmm
Re: Off-topic anomaly I did, now maybe you should.... Nothing to do with credit... It was a personal attack and run...
Re: Off-topic anomaly doc re:bev diagnosis, would his Axis I be psychosis paraniod type. that's what I get ( from your descriptive analysis) but this is just a psychiatrcc social worker's observation
Re: Off-topic anomaly oh never mind I had my Axis I screwed up with my Axis II I guess I should get my Axises together.