Corporate AMEX & CR

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jmcanty, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. jmcanty

    jmcanty Member

    Hello everyone,

    I received a Corporate AMEX while working for a company. I recieved an accpetance letter from them stating they checked my CRs and issued a line of credit accordingly.. However the AMEX inquiry never showed up on my CRs much less the account itself

    It is a positive Trade line and I'd like to know if I can get this placed on my CR...

    Thanks in advance...
  2. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    AMEX does NOT report their corp accounts
  3. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Amex most certainly reports my Corporate card on all three CR's. While it is not labeled 'corporate' on the CR, it is definately there.
  4. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    Haa your company been late with AMEX? My business accounts with AMEX does not AND I know others.
  5. TomJones

    TomJones Well-Known Member

    My Amex Blue for Business *DOES NOT* report on any of the three bureaus.

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