Hi everyone, here is my situation. I had pretty good credit history until about 4 months back. this is when I got a gap store credit card. about three months back, my check to this card reached them a day late. I was charged $10 late fees. Due to a change in my address I did not recieve any of their statements. so for 3 months the card kept on charging me $25 late fees every month and also reported me as delinquent. recently they called me about this situation and when I explained to them the circumstances, they took off all the late charges. my question is that how can I correct my delinquent status with all the credit reporting agencies now? Is there a way to ask GAP to explain the mistake so that it does not reflrct on my credit history.. thanks a lot
I'm not an expert... so I could be wrong. Though if a credit company reports something... they can also have it removed. I've read of deals like that when paying cards off and whatnot.