DH has 3 charged off accounts that have never reported correctly. They are currently showing as open accounts. THe DOLA, when it is listed, changes.. ( they have even sent us an alert one time that there had been activity on a long dormant account! It was LONG CLOSED!) We have disputed till we cant dispute any more. We have called the OC and the CRA and they all always agree that the accounts are reporting incorrectly and yet they all blame the others and it never gets fixed. Legally, isnt there something that says if they dont fix it, and it is blatantly wrong ( CO from a couple years ago still showing as open and updating) that they can only do this for so long before we can demand it be deleted?? If such a law exists, where do I find it to include it with my letter. I have copies of reports from every week going back several months to show that these accounts are perpetuallly in error. I have no hope of them ever being reported correctly. I want them deleted ASAP. THey have already had many chances to fix these accounts.. some going back years. Do I send my letters to the CRA or the OC or both? THanks... ps.. the OC are Crap one, HHB and CROSS COUNTRY BANK>