Cost of one Inquiry on Score

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NanaC, May 22, 2001.

  1. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Cost of Ten Inquiries on Score said that so much better than I did..thanks..

    And, breeze...hehehehhe...:)
  2. kim

    kim Well-Known Member

    ? for Dave

    Do you know anything about multiple variable regression analysis?
  3. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: ? for Dave

    Yes. I am a CompE graduate from Case Western Reserve University both undergrad and grad. I remember at least a week on regression analysis. Non linear regression analysis and Curve fitting took about 5 days (like taking a drink of education from a fire hose) :) ...Why do you ask?

  4. kim

    kim Well-Known Member

    Re: ? for Dave

    I ask because that's what I believe how FICO scoring works.

    It's a hard concept to explain if someone is unfamiliar with it. But in essence I believe that the system works by running this type of analysis, this would explain why one person get 5 pts taken off for an inquiry and another only gets 1 pt taken off for an inquiry. It's also very logical that if they are running a regression analysis that they could have the top 4 attributes affecting your score.
  5. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: ? for Dave

    Not in essence but exactly how it works.

  6. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: ? for Dave

    This thread is making me as sleepy as my statistics classes did.
  7. kim

    kim Well-Known Member

    Re: ? for Dave

    Those that understand regression analysis then know, that it is completely useless trying to figure out what your credit score on any given day will be, by doing x,y, or z. They also understands that it also depends on what john and jane q public do that affects their score. Since regression analysis is based on several hundred, thousands, hundreds of thousands of observations to compute the score. Observations meaning you, me, and anyone else that has a credit file.
  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: zzzzzzz

    And now I'm in that stage of sleepiness where I feel like driving into the headlights of on-coming traffic.


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