Could use some advice on this one!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by neosmatrix, Mar 19, 2002.

  1. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    Need some advice on this one.

    Had a captiol one charge off on my credit report #xxxxx51528. I also have a capitol one cc on same report that was put into bk7...#xxxxx86650 got it so far...

    I called captiol one and asked about the charged off cc #xxxxx51528 on my report, to claim it isnt mine..

    Get a letter today about my inquiry it reads as follows.

    Blah ,blah,blah... now the good stuff.. In researching this matter, i found that this account#xxxxx51528 was opened in an agreement to reaffirm the debt that was owed on account #xxxxx86650. the reaffirmation agreement was signed by my atty for the debt that was previously discharged during bk...

    now i have cap one account #xxxx86650 on my credit report that says included in bk my bk papers say this account number is in my bk and and i have nothing on my bk papers that i reaffirmed this account...

    i asked the rep to fax me this reaffirmation that my atty signed and i know i had to sign it as well and she said she would have to check into it some more..

    What is going on here and all opinions helpful... whats my next move. i disputed the acct#86650 and it came back verified included in bk...
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    No way! You would have had to sign it and the trustee would have had to approve it. Oh boy, what will they come up with

  3. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member

    thats what i said no way and when i asked them to fax me the reaffirmation they said they would have to do some more checking..LOL. i should have said check this and get it off my credit report
  4. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member


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