Had a rental property some time back, financed through Countrywide. Had some problems paying towards the end. Starting 4/99, began with some 30/60/90/120 day lates, with foreclosure (no repo)started on 10/99. Sold the house "paid in full" on 12/99. Been trying for several years to dispute both the lates and foreclosure, with no luck. EQ is reporting 30 day lates for 3 months during the past 2 years! (Dispute in process on that.) They are also reporting it as paid, but still open. Should I try to close this one? EX is reporting "Credit line closed - consumer request - reported by subscriber. Credit Grantor reclaimed collateral to settle defaulted mortgage." Again, sold before repo. Also, they are showing an opening date of 01/97, when it should be 01/87. Stealing 10 years from my credit history. Dispute this one? TU shows nothing at all. Not sure if I totally want to delete this account, it has one of my longest histories. Maybe just keep disputing the lates and foreclosure as the 7 year time frames come up? Thanks!!
You would probably want it correct even if older than 7 years. If you apply for a loan over $150k (or a job paying over $75K), per FCRA they can supposedly pull credit reports showing history back beyond 7 years. A new mortgage lender might care whether you had been forclosed on, even if older than 7 years. Any comments from mortgage brokers/lenders?