countrywide mortgage vs. eloan

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by liss411, Aug 15, 2002.

  1. liss411

    liss411 Well-Known Member

    We are trying to get a home equity loan and we're thinking of applying with the above.
    Is this correct...
    Countrywide uses TU Fico
    Elaon uses EQ Fico

    In addition, does anyone know if this is a quick process and how they manage the appraisal?

  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I thought that all mortgage companies take all three scores? Don't they throw out the first two and use the middle one?
  3. markman

    markman Well-Known Member

    I know that Countrywide uses only TU if you apply online. At least that is what they did for me.

    I am not sure about e-loan.

    I asked the Countrywide agent to reveal my TU score but he said that he is not allowed to. Is this true?? In any case I was approved.

  4. liss411

    liss411 Well-Known Member

    Interesting, thanks for the info.

    They should tell you your score, did you accept the loan?
  5. markman

    markman Well-Known Member

    No not yet. I am still looking for a house. I have locked the rate though.


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