Couple Quick questions....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Apr 16, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I only have one neg. left on my TU report and it is being reported incorrectly, to my advantage, but not
    It says:
    Opened: 4/98
    Closed: 1/98
    Date of Delinquency occured in: 1/98

    I DID open the account in 4/98, but I would think it's immpossible to be delinquent before the account is open. Here's my dilemma, it's with Cap One, and they ALWAYS verify it, I've disputed at least 5 times, but I've never used "inaccurate dates" as a reason. I'm afraid of Cap one catching the error and fixing it, keeping it on my report even longer.

    Second question, does Citbank report CL? I've had a Citi account since 12/01 and last month converted it to Platinum Select and they still aren't reporting a limit, I look maxed out, anyway to fix this?

    My TU score says 715 (today) and my eloan says 616 (which is closer to the score that Generations came up with).

    I desparately need to refi my car, I spoke to my local CU and they solely pull EXP which is my worst report and seeing as we can't dispute inquiries with them anymore, I don't want to waste one.

    People First is not allowed in NH, so right now I'm SOL!! :(
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok I guess I really didn't ask the questions

    1. Should I dispute the Cap One account, if so how would I word it without being labeled as frivolous? Do I risk having it "fixed"?

    2. Does anyone know of ANY auto refi place that pulls TU that is accepted in NH that I can use? ANY ideas? I am 4-6K in negative equity (mostly from last cars neg. equity), i LOVE the car, I don't have the 5K to put down in order to trade in this car, PLEASE any suggestions!

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