Court question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jesterX, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. jesterX

    jesterX New Member

    if a creditor takes you to court for cc, what date can be used to justify SOL at the pretrial hearing? the date the summons was served or the date of the pretrial? with the couple months between the summons and the actual pretrial date, using the trial date would add a cpl months to your favor it seems.

    Also if your cr lists an account with a balance of $2,469 that states account charged off. $1,976 written off.

    Can that creditor sue you for $2,469 or just $493 the difference between the write off and the outstanding balance? if OC sues you for $2,469, would that be considered double dipping?

    thanks for any and all responses
  2. hoapres

    hoapres Well-Known Member

    Most likely, the SOL is counted back from the date of filing of the lawsuit which is earlier than the service date.

    You will need to check your court rules regarding pre-trial hearings. It could just be a hearing to set a trial date or send the case to ADR - alternative dispute resoultion - i.e. mediation.

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