TTOWNS Congratulations, Job well done. You deserve the best for being the hard working woman that you are. Now they have to work harder. Hope you talk them a lesson.
Man I laughed myself silly. You should take NCO to federal court. Go for 1% of their profits. Their president makes a million a year just by himself and they have an enormous board that probably adds up well over 10 million. I cannot even imagine how huge their profits are per year.
Delightful!! I haven't had a CA after me for years and years, but it sure feels good to see that they cannot break the law and get away with it. As for them reading the board, I think it is funny! The fact that they can read all this and still lose is amazing. How did they get through school? Probably cheated, hehe. At any rate, you know why they can't make it as real lawyers whose opponents actually show up for court.
Right on George!! Although I think PBM deserves a little more than that for the great work he does. How about $5,000? And wait?!?! Aren't there TWO copyright symbols at the bottom of every Creditnet page: Copyright ©2000, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited. ©2001 INTERNET CREDIT NETWORK INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I know of several cases where the US Govt gave important data to a different contractor to finish up some work. Both were sued by the original contractor for violating [a] copyright laws patents and [c] export controls--the new company had a significant foreign ownership element which Uncle Sam of all people should have known about. The gov't lost that case and had to pay. Why? Because all the documents provided by Uncle Sam had copyright warnings, ITAR warnings and patent restrictions on the cover page as well as copyright tags on every page and drawing!
I'm confused... Did you sue them in different lawsuits but the schedules just ended up that you had one after another after another? Is that how they all ended up there at once? and to the lurking: if you have time to read Creditnet how about picking up a copy of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair Debt Collections Practices Act!!!
I haven't decided if I wil take them to Federal Court or not. I have to speak to my lawyer. Thank you for the new information. I always wondered who PBM was. Does it say anywhere on here that you can not print this board out without authorization? Please let me know. Thank you for the support as well. I might have to subpeona some NCO and Genesis victims, so keep an ear out...
According to the FTC (Greenblatt Opinion Letter), that doesn't wash--at least if their pulling of ttowns' CR's was solely in response to ttowns' legal efforts. The pertinent quote is: "In the 1990 Commentary on the FCRA, the Federal Trade Commission ("Commission") stated that "[t]he possibility that a party may be involved in litigation involving a consumer does not provide a permissible purpose for that party to receive a consumer report on such consumer . . . because litigation is not a 'business transaction' involving the consumer." 16 C.F.R. § 600 App., 55 Fed. Reg. 18804, 18816 (May 4, 1990). This statement extends to all aspects of litigation, including the pre-litigation discussions and settlement preparations that you describe, and was not altered by the recent amendments to the statute." This is the whole basis of my case against Macy's. Just because I'm making warlike noises does not give them the right to violate my privacy by pulling my credit reports when we have no business relationship and I have not given them written permission. I hope I'm half as successful as Ttowns when my turn comes. Cheers Ttowns!
I think Lizardking was talking about sharing her info. with 3rd parties, (each other) not accessing her file. He's right, but proving they did it would be a real trip. Subpoena them all you want, they'll just lie on the stand.
There is no more expectation of privacy on the intenet than there is on the corner of Hollywood & Vine!
Nevertheless, they were wrong and at the least they'll have to explain HOW they found me on here. How they knew what they knew to find the post. And why out of hundreds of posts they chose ONE. But the blackmail? what can they say? That they didn't? That won't wash. I just sent an email to the Texas AG for Genesis. Texas doesn't play around. I'm hitting up the Cali AG and the FTC, too. Yes, the judge saw. My cases were the last 3. And after each case they waited for the others. They didn't all leave until the last case was done. And they left TOGETHER.
Devil's advocate: they were talking to each other, yes BUT... How can you prove they were divulging sensitive info about you to each other? Did you hear them discussing your files... your accounts... your cases prior to the court times? Did you see anyone showing your credit file to another collector? they could have been discussing the drive home.. the outcomes of other cases they'd lost previously.. the weather... where's the proof of the harm? Sounds like you have proof they talked...
They had their folders open, bodies leaning over one another and handing pieces of paper to one another. All that to discuss the weather or the "drive" home? (One was from Cali, one flew in from Minnesota and the other came in from Oregon.) I don't think so. And yes, I heard them when I first walked up and they didn't know who I was. They were together then(outside the courtroom) and stayed together the whole time in court. And I WILL subpeona the rep from providian to prove they called her company about me.
Fascinating thread. It really shows the mindset of CAs and their representatives. One question...what methodology could these people have possibly used to establish that a given poster on CN is in reality a certain person? It seems to me that this would be impossible to a standard of admissability in court without MAJOR violations of several laws. Greg
I am really interested if PBM has any way to go after these clowns. Is there any disclaimer here that says material may not be used without the permission of the website owner? This could be interesting.
It was in Los Angeles County, Van Nuys. If PMB would like to do anything, I am here. I am checking into any and every law that was broken here. I am not taking this lightly. The judge could see that their cases were built on nothing, and I was holding the cards. That they either did nothing or did not answer me until I sued. Especially NCO. They didn't even deny that they never sent me the printout that they presented in court to me. After 6 months of letters and calls. Whose fault is that? Not mine. I hope they are still lurking, watching me. Then they're spying and possibly cyberstalking. There are more than 7 people with my first and last name in this country. It WILL be interesting how they will explain how this all came about. In the next case, they WILL be taken to task for it. The whole point here was that I was not in the wrong in any way here. So no matter what they say or present about me, I was not wrong. I broke no laws. Each time they try to cheat and beat me, they make me stronger. No matter what the judge rules, I have no job to lose. No one to answer to for my actions. I behaved like an adult and a lady, at that.
Have you read the this board is being watched thread? Why are you assuming they were searching you out specifically all over cyberspace? This board has 3,000 plus members. Maybe they were ALREADY here. Which ONE thread did they choose? I know I've asked already, forgive me if I missed a response. Sassy
KHM, I'm curious too. However, how can you pick and choose? ttowns took printouts in support of her case as well. Maybe ttowns posted something they considered self-incriminating that they tried to use against her - I dunno. Sassy