Court today. You MUST read.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ttowns, Sep 6, 2002.

  1. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    LMAOOOOOOOOO!!! Sassy, I wasn't upset with you in the least. Sorry if it came across that way. I am actually having a wonderful day. I'll go into into details as soon as I get my checks from the companies (FOUR inquiries in 3 days on 2 CRs), too. Two in one day!!! HEE HEE HEE!!!

    I followed the procedures that you are supposed to. Disputed with the CRAS, sent the validation letters, sent follow-up letters, went up the chain of command, complained to the AG, BBB and FTC...anything I could do. I got NOWHERE. Months had gone by with me being ignored, the accounts being verified and updated, etc. This all started in early March when I received my reports for the first time. Nothing like being served to get your butt moving.

    I had all of my letters, proof of the investigations by the CRAs, copies of my reports, names and dates of the people I spoke to concerning the accounts, etc. Everything put together in 3 ring binders with tabs clearly marking the sections and calendars with the dates for everything written down and highlighted. Everything was there for the judge to refer to.

    It's a shame that instead of refurbishing their procedures and hiring people that are capable of doing their jobs correctly that they'd rather attempt to intimidate people. The posts were not anything for me to be ashamed of. As I said, the top of the print out showed how many posts I had made. So they picked only 1 out of over a hundred. Hmmm. Wonder why.

    If there are any more questions about my trials and tribulations, just ask. I'm in such a good mood. it would be nice to have the judge rule in my favor. But I already have my deletions and other fish to fry. But now at least they'll know that I'm going to show up to court prepared.

    By the way, remember how I told you a while ago that one of them had called another company that I sued about me? She's going to find the email and send it to me. HA HA HA
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    LOL Quixote,

    My mom would be so proud!!!!!!

  3. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    LOL ttowns,

    Yep, I remember, they had called Providian, yes?

    None of them are CA's of providian? Hmmmmm, maybe they called others on your CR too and only providian told you.

    I can't figure them out, I swear it.

  4. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    They didn't pull my credit. I checked all 3 of my reports. They just checked here or whatever other board. Pulling credit due to pending litigation is not permissible purpose.
  5. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    LOL :))

    -Peace, Dave
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Sure sounds like baloney to me.

    My baloney alarms are pinging strongly.

    Oscar Mayer! Rudy's Farm! Swift's Premium! Hebrew National! Armour Star! Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

  7. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    The quote I put at the bottom of mine is by Marcus Aurelius. He was around way before Lizardking or myself.
  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Teach a man to fish, and you introduce another competitor into the overcrowded fishing industry. Give a man a fish, and you stimulate demand for your product"

    Mickey the Fish, Sep 04 2000

    -Peace, Dave
  9. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    Well said.
  10. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Add disparaging my family's name to the list.

    "As everyone knows, the court documents are public record. Want the links for those too?"

    Yes. They're still missing, as well as the evidence. While your story is amusing in a driving-by-a-train-wreck sort of way, for objectivity documents would be better.
  11. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    I just woke up early for soome unknown reason. I went to the court website and the judgments was entered in my name for all 3 cases:


    IC System=$278

    Genesis Financial=$300

    I don't know how he got to those numbers(for NCO and IC System the court costs were $28 each and Genesis was $50). But the point is that I won. Judgment was entered against them, and they have to pay me. I'm happy.
  12. ducksnarow

    ducksnarow New Member

    Now, personally, I think it's funny that ttowns considers this a victory... The suit against NCO was for $2500, and against I.C. and Genesis for $5000. That fact that there was a nuisance award is not a victory.
  13. WALLST

    WALLST Well-Known Member

    Oh boy,

    Another CA troll
  14. ducksnarow

    ducksnarow New Member

    Seriously, alot of CAs deserve what they get, but give me a break, I've been reading some of these posts and for all the bravado ttowns shows, you'd think she would have had landslide victories.
  15. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Well, an 8 times return on your investment, even with a day's work, isn't too shabby at all. Plus, the CA peckers likely won't pester ttowns anymore regarding the original issues. Even better, having won in court, ttowns could begin making demands that they modify their tradelines (a la Nutcase) and would probably prevail just because they would like to see this individual go far away from them forever. Finally, ttowns gets the satisfaction of being PAID by these clowns. All in all, not a bad day's work indeed.


    P.S. Why are people so cowardly that they feel they must create a new name in order to express their nastiness? Whenever I feel like being nasty, I just grab my cajones and do it. I don't feel compelled to "always be nice" (although I am 97% nice, lol). What's up with these yellow-bellied fraidycats? That's why I admire Greg Fisher -- what you see is obviously an honest representation of what he thinks and feels at the time. On the other hand, this foolishly unimpressive "ducksnarow" is worse than reprehensible. I'm glad I don't know who the real owner of that name is because I'd lose all respect for him/her (and so would most people on this board, I'm sure). Shame on you, "ducksnarow"; I hope you feel protected, because you're not respected. (Hey, I'm a poet!)
  16. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

    I smell sour grapes. This person is an IC systems employee, probably one of the pathetic losers who schlepped into court and then schlepped home, tail between her legs after a pathetic attempt at defending her revolting company. Do a trace on the IP, and it leads right to IC Systems.

    Just because the judge took pity on you for being a total loser and didn't sock you with what you deserved doesn't disguise the fact that you got a foot in the ass. Pay up, and then shut up. And then, do yourself a favor and get a real job, and start rebuilding your dignity. Only human garbage goes to work in the collection industry.
  17. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    Hmm. I am supposed to care about what YOU think? You with your now 2 posts? Puh-leeze. I have a couple grand from companies already. But due to the agreements I've signed, I can't talk about them. Like I'm going to get sued to give back money I earned. Anyway, you can't rain on my parade. This is far from over. I've learned alot. But I need a break from my computer. I will post more when there is more to post. I know now that I should post AFTER things happen.

    Hey Doc, Bunter, thanks. You never know what the judge is going to order, you know? Judges aren't always right. But for my first time ever in a small claims court room, I am pleased. I will do even better the next time around, trust me. I have discovered what I need to insure better results. But at least I have 3 wins to start out from.
  18. ducksnarow

    ducksnarow New Member

    Wow, the viciousness... Perhaps I should start making a living by suing people. Oh wait, I believe that market's already been cornered...

    Something for everyone to remember, just because it's written doesn't mean it's true. Unless you witness someone's words or actions for yourself it's all up for interpretation. We can all put on a great act when we don't have to prove it to anyone.

    Have a wonderful day and thank you for your insight.
  19. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    "Something for everyone to remember, just because it's written doesn't mean it's true. Unless you witness someone's words or actions for yourself it's all up for interpretation. We can all put on a great act when we don't have to prove it to anyone."

    Uh-huh. Well, I put the links up for the court page. and on those court pages it shows that I am telling the truth. It also has the number for the transcripts, should anyone want it. Never mind that some people from the board had asked me for some things to be sent to them and I did send them. So they know I am telling the truth.

    I made a couple of mistakes. I read the decisions wrong(just woke up). I didn't read the bottom. So it's $278 for NCO and $350 for Genesis. Not a big change, but hey.

    And by the way, I make a living doing my JOB. And I make a hell of a lot more money than you. If you are from I.C System, what he awarded me from you doesn't even cover a pair of my shoes.
  20. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

    Should anyone doubt that this sore loser works for IC Systems, here is the search info:

    Search results for: ! NET-65-203-181-0-1 (Her IP)

    OrgName: IC Systems

    NetRange: -
    The block of IPs assigned to IC Systems
    NetName: UU-65-203-181
    NetHandle: NET-65-203-181-0-1
    Parent: NET-65-192-0-0-1
    NetType: Reassigned
    RegDate: 2001-05-04
    Updated: 2001-05-04

    TechHandle: DT568-ARIN
    TechName: Turner, Don
    TechPhone: +1-651-481-6371

    Drilling down further yields:

    Search results for: O ! ICSYST

    OrgName: IC Systems
    Address: 444 East HWY 96 St. Paul, MN 55127
    Probably the address where Ms. Sunshine goes to work each day to spread her good cheer and thorough knowledge of the law, credit regulations, and philosophy
    Country: US
    RegDate: 2001-05-04
    Updated: 2001-05-04

    Travelling thousands of miles to lose in court is bad enough; coming here to try to brag about losing and making a bigger fool of yourself in the process is simply embarrassing. Ta-ta, you won't be missed.

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