ROFLMAOOOOOO. Damn, that is sad. And if I haven't rubbed it in her face ENOUGH, did she forget that ALL 3-sorry 4(Genesis and their OC) negatives have been DELETED?!?!?!?!? No longer marring my credit? I have come out on top here, no matter what she thinks. I had the negs deleted, I didn't pay anything out to them, they lost in court and have to pay me. For my first time, I did well. I'm going shopping.
What are the numbers to enter? Or can you talk about those? (I want to see your judgment filings, but you need the numbers.)
02v12728, 02v12729, 02v12730 Something else I forgot. I might not have gotten all the money I asked for, but Genesis and IC System had to send reps out TWICE. So they had to pay out money for these cases, if not all to me.
Awwwww. Da poor widdow bottom feeder got her hand slapped. My heart bleeds. Spoken like an expert prevaricator. (Look it up loser.) Obviously dripping with sincerity and concern for the well being of Creditnetters everywhere.
WAY TO GO, TTOWNS! ALSO, THANKS FOR POSTING THE LINKS TO THE PAGES. VERY IMPRESSIVE. Here are direct links to the three summary pages, btw: Case Number: 02V12728 VS. GENESIS FINANCIAL SOLUTION INC Case Number: 02V12729 VS. IC SYSTEM, INC. Case Number: 02V12730 VS. NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS INC. Doc
I'd like to know from the quacker at IC Systems, WHY did you invest so much time, energy, and money in going to court. I could be naive, but beyond intimidation and an ultimate showdown, what were you basing your case on? Sassy
They say if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. So I am only going to say nice things about Wendy and Carol (from NCO & Genesis). First, I think waxing your back before the trial was a great idea. You both looked stunning (if not clueless on the defensive). Secondly, the makeover has worked wonders. All that concealer is working well to hide your fetid, meal worm-infested skin. And finally, not riding your brooms to the courthouse was a wonderful idea. Too many people have bad impressions of ugly women riding brooms. Though you both may have less IQ points than a WNBA basketball score, my hat is off to you on your makeover!
To Queen Bee: When I filed, I did all 3 at one time. The woman asked me what date I wanted them and if I wanted them on the same day. So I said yes. I don't know if all courts are like that or not. I am not going to be around for a little while. The first round of lawsuits are over and it's going to be around a month before the next wave. I'm going on vacation for a few weeks and when I get back I will update you on what has happened, if anything. Thanks to the CA lurkers here that tried to make me back down. I am much wiser and I will use that new knowledge to beat you and those like you again. Make sure my checks are in the mail, will you? I'd like for the interest to start collecting on them. To all of the Credit Netters, you are all wonderful. I know sometimes when things get hard you think about giving up. Don't. I know that the phone calls and letters can get to you. It's not that bad, trust me. It'll get straightened out. There are so many people here that are ready, willing and able to help you. Just keep your records staight, document your damages and most importantly, get your deletions! By the way, is there someway I can send a check to PBM? Please let me know. Email me if you like.
Maybe she wanted a vacation at the expense of IC Systems. Quick fly-in, tour Los Angeles, go to court, and then return to Minnesota. If she's smart, next time she'll try to schedule court cases in winter -- it gets pretty cold in Minnesota in the winter.
If the cases were for any FCRA violations and the Judge's findings show that the FCRA was violated you should appeal. The Judge should have given $1,000 per violation minimum statutory damages.
Just 2 observations here. First of all, if you sue someone for $5000 and get $250-$300 your case was really marginal. Secondly, $250 awards shows why very few lawyers have any interest in FCRA/FDCPA issues. Sad to say but realistically,with the exception of class action suits, the big money in consumer law is in suing debtors.
keepmine, maybe Tiffany's object wasn't to get "the big money." I sued all three CRAs for one purpose only -- to quickly clean up my credit reports. I didn't ask for money. By your standard, I was a dismal failure. By mine, I was a resounding success. I qualified for a jumbo mortgage at 6.5%. (If I'd waited a few more months, I would have done a half point or more better, lol.) Prior to the lawsuits, I probably would not have been able to get the mortgage, but if I had, it would have been at terribly subprime rates. My actions literally saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of the mortgage. Like ttowns, my cases were "really marginal" as well. But that marginality was just enough to cross the nuisance line -- I was technically correct, and my settlement goals were met expeditiously. Lizardking really pioneered the idea of suing CRAs, CAs, and OCs where money really wasn't the lawsuit's objective. You're apparently considering this though a single lens. As far as I can tell, Tiffany might have spent a lot more vis-a-vis invested time and money trying to clean up her reports and rid herself of these three CAs had she not brought the lawsuits. Doc
Thanks bunter!!!!!! Finally something that makes sense. Do you think she made it to Disneyland, the Boardwalk, Hollywood? LOL, nawwwwwwww probably just stole an extra pack of free peanuts from the airline. Sassy
I always thought the primary purpose of this board, is just what Doc has stated, it's not about making money, it's about our credit reports and FICO scores. That to quote the words of the Master Card commercial is Priceless JohnM ps Congrats to you did a great job!
My object in suing Macy's is to get money; money, of course, being the only means for punishing them for breaking the law, violating my rights, etc. But, as far as I'm concerned, I will measure the success of my efforts by how much cash, if any, is awarded. For the first time in a long time, I don't need no stinkin' deletions.
The point was NOT the money. If it was, I would have filed it in Federal Court and let my lawyer make all of the money he could. A dismal failure would have been letting them get away with what they did. I make a lot of money, but what is the point of making good money when you have no plastic? Who wants to carry around $5000 in cash? Who wants to carry checks? Who wants to buy a house in cash? My FICOs have gone from the 400s in March to the 700s now. But they will be even higher when I get some revolving accounts going. What have the class action and federal court suits done? The CAs haven't changed their ways. They've made the lawyers rich. Tell me how much the individuals that brought the suits have received. I'd be REALLY mad if I went to Federal Court and got the same, but my lawyer received tens of thousands. And if I was part of a class action, how much money would I have gotten? $2.50? I know of people who were part of a class action for over 100 million. Guess how much they received? Forty dollars! I got the tradelines off of my reports, their companies were made to pay out the expense of sending them here(twice), I was paid for the time I put into it, and they know a least us CN-ers are going to be in their butts, so they'd better start flying right. You never sue for what you think you'll get. It got their attention when nothing else could. My reports are now clean and I have some more money to put in my son's savings. I can't appeal, but I'm cool with it(you'll know why soon). Genesis and IC System put out probably $2000 all together for the 2 times they had to come out(for those of you that do not know, I had to refile the first time, my son was sick) between the flights and accomodations. It didn't go to me, but they had to pay it because they didn't want to handle this expeditiously with me. So as far as I'm concerned I cost them plenty(they cost themselves plenty, but you know). Not to mention that NCO told me they weren't paying me a cent. Oh yeah? Oh, by the way, the IC System rep told me she was on her vacation! Nice freaking company to work for. They make you fly to Hollywood for your vacation and spend one of the days sitting in a court room until almost 5 in the afternoon! By the way, Doc, I did all I could to handle this without filing the suits. They were playing with me. It's amazing what being sued will make you do, huh? But my credit reports are clean enough to eat off of. I can do anything, now.
Apparently Towns wasn't putting on an "act" and won her case. Now if her case was a bunch of BS the CA's would have had NO PROBLEM defending themselves and the judge wouldn't have awarded ANY money for towns.