CRA reporting as positive/OC reporting as negative

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Lana, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. Lana

    Lana New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I've been lurking for around 3 weeks. This is a great site with tons of excellent info.

    anyhow, here is my siutation:

    Back in 1997 I had a CC with both Macy's and Burdines Dept. store. i paid both as agreed and closed the accounts.

    Fast forward to now. Due to a few charge off's I'm having a hard time getting credit. I recently was able to get a Chevron credit bulider card. I tried getting a Target and was denied. i then had the bright idea that I was going to try and reopen Macy's since it was paid as agreed.

    So I call customer sservice and they tell me that I have a charged off $236 dollars that I owe burdines. i paid that acct so it is totally wrong. now mind you, all three of my Credit reports are reporting the account as a positive. The Cust Service rep then tells me to send them a fax to dispute it. She said it should take around 90 days or less. they said that once I settle the debt they will issue me another card.

    Please help me, because something just doesn't sound right. what should i do?
  2. Lana

    Lana New Member

    BUMP....somone..anyone...?? TIA
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    First question, do you have any documentation/evidence of paying off the CC? You will need something to back up your case. If you paid with a traditional paper check, your bank may have a record/copy of the check.

    I would then ask for a full statement of activity on the account, put the onus on them to prove you owe the balance. People do make mistakes, and often it is not caught until challenged.

    Dig into your records, you may have something to support your case. You will learn how improtant documentation is in these events. Always keep records of everything!
  4. Lana

    Lana New Member

    Thank you so much for your advice, Bizwiz! I appreciate it!

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