Quick question for all you experts: I have a LOWES/MCCBG tradeline showing up on my credit reports with varying information - what do I do to get this sorted??? Where do I start? LOWES/MCCBG Equifax ExperianAccount Type: Revolving Revolving Payment Responsibility: Individual Individual Date Opened: 04/1999 04/1999 Balance Date: 08/2006 08/2006 Balance Amount: $0 $0 Monthly Payment: $0 High/Limit: $1,186 $1,186 Account Status: Collection As Agreed Past Due Amount: $0 $0 Comments: EQ: LAST REPORTED DELINQUENCIES: 05/2003=R5,04/2003=R5,03/2003=R4 ACCOUNT PAID EXP: ACCOUNT TRANSFERRED OR SOLD TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER LENDER ACCOUNT TRANSFERED TO ANOTHER OFFICE