CRA Validation Problem

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jbmgt, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. jbmgt

    jbmgt Member

    Hi, I have a problem involving a DV for a single item from both the OC and a CA. In response to the DV, the CRA wrote back and stated that the projected completion date was the middle of August 2006. The DV was sent in the beginning of June. Can they do that?

    Second, again on the same item, the CA verified this supposed debt, but included the comment "Account in dispute under Fair Credit Billing Act." This TL was actually disputed in November 2005 under FDCPA, not the Fair Credit Billing Act. The DV was pursuant to FCRA. Also, the CRA included the following under the "Your Statement" portion of the new CR: "Y item disputed by consumer." While I did ask for DV, I did not ask the CRA to include the statement that they did. What happens when I want to write my own 100 words regarding this matter? Any guidance would be appreciated.

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