CRA will not send credit report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ljones3123, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. ljones3123

    ljones3123 New Member

    How can I make the credit reporting agency send the free annual credit report? Equifax in particular has kept me from getting my free annual report for 2 years now. First they led me around with crap about having to make sure I was who I am (funny that there was no problem as long as I was paying). I sent in all that they asked. A couple months later they sent me another letter requesting the same crap again. I wrote a scathing letter asking what the h--- they had done with the info I sent before etc. This time I sent it all certified-return receipt- They eventually sent another letter asking for the same stuff again after I contacted them. It's like they keep acting like OH this is the first time we heard from you. That year I did get my reports from the other two. This year --no dice-- none of them will send anything. The problem this year is that Equafax says something about a mortgage etc on my account anf I have to tell them about it before they will send my free report. I haven't had a mortgage in years and I let them know. Still no credit report. So I wonder are they giving info to identity thieves and then keeping the consumer from being able to see it? Oh yea the good ole FTC. Strike out there too. They said all they do is make a note of it. My attorney general office--no cigar there either. They acted like this is so odd and they never heard of such. The lady was nice enough but said they didn't have any good numbers for Equifax.

    I nearly went crazy last year over this s---. I get so depressed that these creaps can so easily deny me what the law says I can have and I can't do a d thing about it.
    Can someone tell me something that will work.
    Thanks for whatever advice you can give.
  2. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Dear Equifax,

    My name is, my address is, my DOB is, my SSN is.

    Enclosed please find a copy of my drivers license, my SS card and a current utility bill.

    I am currently (receiving public assistance <if you have kids in public school you receive public assistance>) (currently looking for employment), (my interest rate was increased) {you get the idea}.

    Please send me a copy of my current file to the above address.

    Thank you,

  3. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member or you can dispute an item via the net and they will send you a free report as well.
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Based upon information you've posted, I would think it would be worth the few dollars to buy your report (as you say you're able to purchase it). If there is a mortgage account on your report, it would seem worth the few dollars to find out what it is.

    Then you have ammunition against the CRA for not providing the report.
  5. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    If there's a mortgage supposedly on your report I would be very concerned that someone might have engaged in identity theft in order to commit mortgage fraud.

    I'd call that a big deal. A deal that needs to be stopped immediately.

    Then again, it could just be inadvertant file mixing ... especially if the OP is a junior or a senior.

  6. bluebear

    bluebear Member

    I have the pretty much the same crap given by Equifax. Annualcreditreport can't give me the free report as promised. I faxed in a copy of my W2 that has my SSN and current address. 15 days went by and still no report shows up on my door. Trying to reach a live person is impossible there.

    Both TU and EXP are okay. Anyone has a phone number to reach live person there?
  7. katz55

    katz55 Active Member

    What should one do in the case of inadvertant file moxing?? I am junior and have several negative items I know are not mine and believe could be my fathers.
  8. bluebear

    bluebear Member

    I actually DID get denied for a credit card. Still they told me to mail in all the information, again...
  9. figurethis

    figurethis Member

    Sorry new to this forum and inadvertently deleted my post while trying to edit it.

    When I got denied and asked for my free report, they didn't ask me to mail anything, it was all over the phone. I don't know what the difference is in how they determine how they handle each case. It was so easy to get though, all I provided was ss# and the agency that denied me, and the usual name and address. This was last year, perhaps laws have changed on how they can handle this?

    And as to my post I accidentally deleted;

    When I went through Equifax asked for verification of identity and the question they asked me was about a mortgage that I obtained in 2006(I didn't), they asked who held it and how much I paid monthly, when I selected the "none of the above" option they allowed me to view my report.

    Is this where the problem of them asking for mortgage information is coming in?
  10. bluebear

    bluebear Member

    I think you might've mistaken me with OP. OP is the one who has mortgage on his account. I, on the other hand, was just simply a reject by Equifax with no explanation whatsoever :(
  11. bluebear

    bluebear Member

    I finally got a hold of someone at Equifax and she couldn't pull any information from my SSN either. She said that maybe all my OC never reported the account to them. She told me to call several of my credit cards companies and request them to report to EQ :(

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