Sent out a modified nutcase Validation request CMRRR. Got this back 7 days later: Thanks for your letter. Please send us the following info by (60 days after my 1st letter for Val Req) Any supporting info such as you credit report. A copy of this letter. A copy of your modified nutcase Val Req Additional items below: full 19 digit account number full 9 digit SSN Supporting documents such as CR showing the incorrect information The exact nature of yoiur dispute Date of birth Address on file with Crap One Current Address Remeber we can't take action on your request until you send us that stuff. Once we get your self valdating documents we will get back to you in 30 days. Signed, Crap One SO, what do I do in this situation? I had previously disputed with CA.
An OC is not required to provide validation, because in most circumstances an OC isn't bound by the FDCPA which is the only law that requires VALIDATION.