CRAs Not Responding!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by demeter, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. demeter

    demeter Member

    Sent disputes to the three CRAs and so far I've only heard from Trans Union who sent everything back as verified.

    How can they do this if the OCs never had any info to send me? I sent copies of my letters, my green reply cards (CMRRR), copies of the OCs letters stating that the accounts were not mine and asking for deletion to the CRAs, and TU verifies all, and I have yet to hear from Exp and Equifax.

    Its been 30 + 5 days from when they received my package - can I now send them another letter asking for deletion? Isn't that the law under FCRA, that if a CRA does not reply they must delete.

    Someone please help me and let me know what my strategy should be for taking care of this issue. I've been dealing with it for far too long.

  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    1. did TU say "Previously Investigated" or "frivilous/irrelevent"?

    2. did you use the FACTA free report? if so, they have 45 days not 30 days. on the flip side, if you did order it, but used a purchased report to dispute from they still pull the 45 days excuse. which report did you use?
  3. demeter

    demeter Member

    Trans Union simply listed 5 of the items that I disputed (there were 11 total) and three of them said "verified" and the other 2 said "see new info below" and for the life of me I have no clue what was changed!

    Also, I got my info from Privacy Guard so I would think that they cannot use the 15 day extension excuse.

    Should I send them out a letter saying that they owe me deletions for not responding?

    Please help!
  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: CRAs Not Responding!

    for TU I would do a procedure request.

    I would demand deletion from EQ and EXP if the 30+5 is up.
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: CRAs Not Responding!

    If they are not removing TLs that are not yours, where you have a letter from the OC acknowledging that, send complaints to your state AG, and to the FTC.

    Refusing to act on information provided by the consumer is a compliance error the CRAs often make.
  6. demeter

    demeter Member

    Re: Re: CRAs Not Responding!

    I sent all three of them tons of information and it just ticks me off that TU would come back and state that.

    Thanks for the idea. I will be happy to go through all the drama of making more copies of my info and sending them to the FTC and the AG!

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