For those of you looking to pass judgement... If your looking for honesty and morality then your in the wrong place. This is not to say people here aren't moral or honest. Go to a Christian or church website to preach gospel all day long. Trying to fix an unfair and corrupt system such as the CRAs and FICO is considered to me fair game. What the CRA's do to people day in and day out isn't moral or ethical either. Last time I checked a CRA was supposed to investigate everything on a person's credit file if they dispute it. Check the FCRA. By their not investigating inquiries they are violating the law. Does that make it right? How bout all the people who truly have unpermissable inquiries on their reports and the CRA basically says..."Go screw you!" Unitl the system is 100% moral, honest and ethical, don't expect me to be either! Tac