CRA's TV News Story

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by back2you, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. back2you

    back2you New Member

    I'm producing a TV news story that will air nationally about Innovis. I'm looking for someone with experience with them. Has anyone out there managed to pull their report? Any difficulties doing so?
    Scott H.
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    If you use the search feature keyword Innovis, you will find some stuff on it. Initially I believe people had trouble when they called Innovis but if they were persistent, they were sent their credit reports. Then they started giving an address where you could send for your report. I've heard several post they had received their reports.

    I believe still others had trouble with Innovis requesting certain items as identification that some people simply would not have. Don't know how all that turned out.

    I've seen you post a request for this several times, so I hope this helps. If least its a courtesy bump for you.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Their "STORY" when people called..."WE DON'T HAVE ON-LINE ACCESS"
    Consumer...I want my credit report..."WE DON'T HAVE ON-LINE ACCESS"
    Consumer...SEND ME A PAPER COPY!!!

    When people actually got it, it was inquires from 2+ years ago, some accounts that were removed from the "BIG 3" because they were WRONG...and some closed accounts...I HAVE NO IDEA, if anybody has current information on their report...

    There also was problems with what they asked to get the POOR EXCUSE FOR A CREDIT REPORT...(THINGS THE "BIG 3" DON'T ASK~WHAT EXACTLY, I DON'T REMEMBER)

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