When I filed bankruptcy in 2003, I included my subprime lenders such as Capital One, Citifinancial, Beneficial and Household bank in the petition. After I received my discharge, I found it very difficult to re-establish new credit. The major lenders didn't want to have anything to do with me because I had a past bankruptcy. Also, other lenders would tell me that they couldn't guarantee that I would be approved or not based on the bankruptcy. I did end up with some unnecessary inquires. I was constantly being rejected. Out of desperation to re-establish new credit, I contacted my old creditor, Household Bank and asked them if I could re-apply for new credit even though I had included them in my previous bankrutpcy. They encouraged me to apply and amazingly, I was approved for a $300 credit limit. So far, I have been very careful with my new card. I just wish I could obtain a second credit card from somewhere and I want something reasonable. I want to stay away from lenders like First Premier Bank and Cross Country Bank because I heard that they charge excessive fees. Does anyone know of any other credit card companies that might be able to offer me a card without the outrageous fees? I really don't want a secured card, but I won't rule that option out completely. My goal is to buy a house next year, but mortgage companies generally want you to have at least two new tradelines since the bankruptcy.
Hi TracyeH, We have a whole section on our website providing information on cards geared towards people with not so good credit. Here's a link: http://www.creditnet.com/credit-cards/credit-cards-for-bad-credit/index.php First Premier cards are one of the most popular cards we have on our site, but if you don't want a card through them and wouldn't mind a prepaid card, the Eufora Prepaid Card reports your monthly payment history to TransUnion and can help to build or rebuild credit. For more info on the Eufora Prepaid card, click here: http://www.creditnet.com/credit-cards/credit-cards-for-bad-credit/Eufora_Prepaid_MasterCard.php. Good luck! Lisa
Hi. Thanks for the info, I just applied for a first premier bankcard online. I thought it would give me a decision right away, but it's going to take up to 30 days to process my application. I wonder why does it have to take so long...oh, boy! I hope I made the right decision to apply for this card.
This from an older thread started by NanaC STARTER BK CARDS: score bad. 1. Household - unsecured 300 - 5 mos., score about 560 ( www.householdbank.com/hb/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 2. Cap1 - Secured and Unsecured ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Orchard - Secured ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 4. American Online Secured Visa ( www.apbank.com/021_scc.html ) 5. Mazda (Ford) - 1 day post BK13 - auto loan 6. Kay Jewelers - $2000 - 1 year post BK, score about 540 (www.kayjewelers.com) 6 MOS - 1 YEAR REBUILDING CREDIT: score low 600s 1. Cap1 - unsecured gold 500 ( www.capitalone.com ) 2. Orchard - unsecured $500 ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 3. Target Guest Card- unsecured 200 (target.com/common/financialservices/apply_online.jhtml) 4. First Premier - $200 ( www.credit-cards-s.com/premier.asp ) 5. Citifinancial Mortgage - 6 mths post - 9% ( www.citifinancial.com ) 6. Providian Platinum (www.providan.com) 7. First National Bank Of Marin - $300 unsecured - low 600's (www.fnbmarin.com) - appears to be by mai offer only 8. Raymour and Flanigan Furniture (please provide url if available) 1-2 YEARS REBUILDING: score mid 600s 1. AT&T Wireless - No deposit ( http://www.attws.com ) 2. Cap1 Platinum - unsecured 5000. Yes, platinum. started w/regular card and negotiated credit line to platinum. (Wow!) ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Cross Country Bank Visa - unsecured - $300, then $600, then $1250 over time. * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 4. Cross Country Bank MC - unsecured - $350 * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 5. Dillards - unsecured - $500 ( www.dillards.com/cca/CreditCardApplication.jsp ) 6. Circuit City â?? unsecured -$2000 ( http://www.circuitcity.com ) 7. Western Security Bank - secured ( www.westernsecuritybank.com ) 8. Direct Merchants Bank $1001 (Semi-secured) - pre-approved mailings only ( www.directmerchantsbank.com ) 9. Sprint PCS - $200 Assigned Spending Limit ( www.sprint.com ) 10. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ( www.spiegals.com/home.asp ) 11. Merrick - $1000, about 650 FICO (www.applymerrick.com) 2+ Years Rebuilding: score low to mid 600's: 1. Aspire - unsecured - $500 ( www.compucredit.com/pdcts.html ) 2. Voicestream - No deposit ( www.voicestream.com ) 3. Bank One Checking Account with Debit Card after 5 months usage ( www.bankone.com ) 4. Mortgage Received (No specific name as more than one loan was found by those reporting receipt of mortgage loan.) 5. Nordstrom - suggest not applying on-line ( www.nordstrom.nordstrom.com ) 6. First N.A. Nat. Bank - 3 years (www.fnanb.com) 7. Citibank MC- will consider post-7 years ( www.citibank.com ) 8. Nextel - must be 7 years post BK, no dep. ( www.nextel.com ) 9. Exxon - 4 years ( www.exxon.com ) 10. Home Depot - 4 years ( www.homedepot.com ) ** 11. Bloomingdales - 3 years ( www.bloomingdales.com ) 12. Verizon - no deposit ( www.verizonwireless.com ) 13. Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota ( www.washingtonmutual.com ) 14. Mervyn's ** ( www.mervyns.com ) 15. Generations (6 year mark!) - $1000 ( www.genscu.com ) 16. Target Visa - mid 600's required ( www.target.com ) 17. Lowes - 3+ years ( www.lowes.com ) 18. Washington Mutual Mortgage - 3+ years ( www.wamuhomeloans.com ) 19. Nordstrom - 5+ years (www. Nordstrom.com) 20. Wescom Credit Union - 5+ years ( www.wescom.org ) 21. First Nationwide Mortgage - 5 years ( www.firstnationwide.com ) 22. Dell - $1500 - 5+ years ( www.dell.com ) 23. Nissan Lease - 6+ years (Please provide link if known.) 24. Phillips 66 - 7.5 years ( www.phillips66.com ) 25. Ford Credit - 5 years ( www.fordcredit.com ) 26. Diamond Shamrock - 6.5 yrs ( www.valero.com ) 27. Menard's Big Card (Conseco) - $3000 - 5+ years ( www.menards.com ) 28. Capital One Auto Finance -14 % interest, score approximately 650 - ( www.capitalone.com/capitaloneplace/...id=2000bann0202 ) 29. JCB Card - CE642 (www.jcbusa.com) 30. Union Plus - initial rejection, then approved on PFB reconsideration (www.unionplus.com)** 31. Corvette Mastercard - 7 years post (was not in dispute when pulled)- score 678 with 4 CA's in dispute when pulled - $1500 - (www.household.com/corp/hipf_credit_card_select.jsp)** 32. J.C. Penney - 4 years, 7 months post bk7 (www.jcpenney.com) 33. BOFA - Alaskan Airlines Plat - 5 yrs, 3 months post BK7 approved on reconsideration (www.bofa.com) 34. GM card (www.household.com/corp/hipf_credit_card_select.jsp)** and I would like to add Patelco their credit union is easy to join. I have a auto loan and visa $1000 limit.