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Credit Card Approvals with BK

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NanaC, Jul 21, 2001.

  1. nightowlky

    nightowlky Well-Known Member

    Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK

    Ok...newb questions...those Starter cards after BK discharge? Are those immediately available (well...'cept the 5 mos. one)? So, meaning as soon as I get my papers I could conceivably apply and get one to start rebuilding my credit?

    BTW, my credit is horrendous, tax liens, chargeoffs, collections, etc. Filed for divorce last year (final in Feb. this year) and was 6-7 mos. unemployed from last year thru early this year and it killed me. That, and when I ran my own business, I wasn't paying taxes and have huge IRS/State tax bills I need to start making arrangements on.

    ARGH!! If only I'd been smart and used a CPA or did the paperwork.

    Anyway...this thread has been great and I just want to thank everyone who's contributed. But, can we get one similar on buying a car out of bankruptcy (esp. with little to no money down)? Or is Ford just the best bet?


  2. snakeman

    snakeman Well-Known Member

    Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK

    I can relate!

    I wish I could go through Ford. But I had two loans (through them) which one was paid off cuz I sold it and another before that was voluntarily given back through a BK proceeding. They have a judgment for 8500$.

    Wish I could go through Ford.....

    Should I try? Think I could find a new truck that could take about 8500$ plus new down payment as negative equity?

    Let me know...

  3. mbelden

    mbelden Member

    Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK


    If you want a card right out of bankruptcy you should go for a secured card. If you wanna wait 6+ months and work on repairing your credit then you can try for a 6+ mo card, which would be a regular unsecured card. The secured card will help improve your credit and help you get a traditional card in the future.

    My DH just applied for a Household credit card and he only got approved for the secured card. We are just 6 weeks past discharge and his scores are in the high 500's and very low 600's.

    I love this list and want to thank everyone who has posted here.
  4. nightowlky

    nightowlky Well-Known Member

    Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK


    I can definitely wait 6+ mos. to get a credit card. In fact, I've not had an active credit card in over 3 years...just been using my debit card when I travel and such (so, if the money's not there...I don't go!)

    But, I'm concerned about the car, mostly, hence the 2nd part to my post about Ford. Perhaps I should start a new thread on people's experience with buying a car right after bankruptcy. I really think I'll be sans voiture once I'm discharged and that would be bad! I've seen there's a $3000 rebate on Taurus and Focus (could get a new Focus for ~$13000!) and work like heck to make extra payments and then refinance a year down the road.
  5. nightowlky

    nightowlky Well-Known Member

    Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK

    This thread should be stickied to the 1st page!
  6. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK

    Call Ford Credit directly and talk to them. FMC has several programs availavle that they do not promote through the dealer (they will pre-approve you before you go).

    Most likely they will offer you a (very) short term lease and upgrade you as you go.

  7. nightowlky

    nightowlky Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK

    Bumpty bump!
  8. moneyelf

    moneyelf Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Credit Cards approvals after BK

    I have an OrchardBank MC, post BK. $1500 limit

    Here's the thing: They have worked with me even though I am way over the limit and have made only partial payments for ages. But it is important to know that though they offer the option of internet payments they take 2 business days to credit/post payments done this way AND they are now owned by HouseholdBank...One of the banks on the posted list. Yes, one pays late and over the limit fees but Orchard Bank is much more user friendly than Providian. I can recommend Orchard as a preferred subprime card if one must go the subprime route. But if you're ever late with them, if you can, call in your payments. I think there is a charge for this but if it makes the difference between a late pay and an on time pay this service charge could save your credit hide.

    Great List! Printed it out.
    P.S. Thought the secured AMEX Optima Card program was no longer available through any bank at all.
  9. Neil

    Neil Well-Known Member

    Excellent list Credit Cards post BK

    Very interesting list....

    If there a thread anywhere that gives details of the cards issuers requirements e.g score and such like where there hasn't be a bankruptcy?
  10. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Excellent list Credit Cards post BK

    Not currently, but it is a good idea though. For example:

    AMEX - Denied with BK or 60/90/120 day lates
    Citi - Approved after 7 years post BK
    BofA - Approved 5 years post BK with PFB
    MBNA - Same as AMEX
    Providian - Anything goes as long as FICO is 600+
    BankOne - Same as AMEX
    Cap. 1 - Have heard 7-years post BK for no-hassle

    Hope that helps you.
  11. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Excellent list Credit Cards post BK

    What a great idea. Glad to see this thread still serving a purpose here! :)
  12. Neil

    Neil Well-Known Member

    Excellent list Credit Cards post BK

    Well I tried my luck with Discover Platinum earlier this week - approved on-line!

    This morning there was an e-mail notice from Credit Watch that a new entry had been placed on my Experian file - Discover was there, c/l with $7,500 resulting in an 18 point rise in my score as the credit line was not utilised!
  13. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Excellent list Credit Cards post BK

    Wow! Congrats!
  14. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Excellent list Credit Cards post BK

    With a public record on file?

    Wow!, I'm amazed. How old was your BK and/or any negs?.

    Anywhoo, congratulations :)
  15. Scarletjaz

    Scarletjaz Member

    Question about Providian

    My first post cc after bk was a Household Finance MC. limit $300 unsecured.. Had a Providian once before bk was wondering can I apply for it again.
    What are your thoughts on this?
  16. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Question about Providian

    If your score is:
    Over 600, your in.
    Under 600, your out
  17. 8004me

    8004me Well-Known Member

    Re: Question about Providian

    Discover at 600 with public record ?
  18. Murph

    Murph Member

    i kept lowes after bk

    about three months after bk i was thirty days late with them they looked at my cr and closed my account, now three years later they want my biz back!! too bad i have to stick with homey for my purchases now.

    verizon no deposit one year after bk
    cap one 500$ after one year 1800$ after six months consecutive payments (in time for holidays)
    ford motor after lease, financed purchase 5800$

  19. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    i kept lowes after bk


    I was talkin about providian. I don't think Discover is BK friendly no matter how old it is.
  20. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: i kept lowes after bk

    No, they really, REALLY, aren't from everything I've gathered in collecting these!

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